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·928 · 检验医学2017 年 10 月第32 卷第 10 期 Laboratory Medicine ,October 2017 ,Vol. 32 ,No. 10 文章编号 :1673-8640 (2017 )10-0928-05 中图分类号 :R446.1 文献标志码 :A DOI :10.3969/j .issn.1673-8640.2017.010.02 1 无绿藻研究进展 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 赵 悦 ,朱巍巍 ,刘锦燕 ,李文静 ,王 影 ,史 册 ,项明洁 (1.上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院检验科,上海200025 ; 2.上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院卢湾分院放免检验科,上海200020 ) 摘要 :无绿藻是一种广泛存在于自然界的条件致病菌,感染动物时主要引起乳腺炎,对人的感染则主要 表现为皮肤感染、鹰嘴滑囊炎和系统性感染。目前临床上仍将镜检和生化反应作为鉴定该菌的主要方法,但 由于耗时长,主观影响较大,加之国内尚对无绿藻的认识不足,导致该菌的检出率较低。为提高对无绿藻的 认识,文章对其生物学特性、致病性、流行病学特征、鉴定、耐药性及无绿藻病的临床表现等作一综述。 关键词 :无绿藻;无绿藻病;内孢子;条件致病菌;鉴定;基因型 Research progress of Prototheca ZHA O Yue1 2 2 1 1 ,ZH U Weiwei ,LI U J iny an ,LI Wenj ing ,WAN G Ying , 1 1 SHI Ce ,XIAN G M ingj ie . (1. D ep artment of Clinical L aboratory ,R uij in H osp ital ,Shanghai J iaotong University School of Medicine ,Shanghai 200025,China ;2. Radioimmunology and Clinical Laboratory ,Luwan Branch ,Ruij in Hosp ital,Shanghai J iaotong University School of Medicine ,Shanghai 200020,China ) Prototheca Abstract : is a kind of opportunistic pathogen which exists widely in nature. The clinical symptom of animal infection is mastitis ,while human protothecosis is always classified to 3 forms ,cutaneous lesions , olecranon bursitis and systemic infections. Currently ,clinical medicine still regards morphological observation and biochemical tests as main determination methods. However ,these methods are always effected by time-consuming , subj ective influence and the lack of understanding in China ,which results in low determination rate. For improving the knowledge of Protothec


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