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Learn the text Listen and answer the questions: Is there a car race in our town every year? Yes, there is. Was there a very big car race in 1998? No, there wasn’t. How many people were there? There were hundreds of people there. How many cars were there in the race? There were twenty cars in the race. Who was the winner? The winner was Billy Stewart. Fill in the blanks There is a race?near?our?town?every?year.? In?1995,?there?was?a?very?big?race. There?were?hundreds?of?people?there. My?wife?and?I?were?at?the?race.?Our?friends?Julie?and?Jack?were there,?too.? You?can?see?us?in?the?crowd.?We?are?standing?on? the?left. ???? There?were?twenty?cars?in?the?race. There?were?English?cars,?French?cares,?German cars,Italian?cars,?American?cars?and?Japanese cars. It?was?an?exciting?finish.?The?winner?was?Billy?Stewart.? He?was?in?car?number?fifteen.?Five?other?cars?were?just?behind?him. On?the?way?home,?my?wife?said?to?me,?'Don’t?drive?so?quickly!?You’re?not?Billy?Stewart!’ ? There is a car race near our town every year. a horse race 赛马 汽车比赛 There were hundreds of people there. 成百上千的 In 1995, there was a very big race. 在1995年 My wife and I were at the race. There were twenty cars in the race. at the party 在聚会上 在赛场上 在比赛中 You can see us in the crowd. We are standing on the left. on the right 在右面 在人群中 在左面 He was in car number fifteen. On the way home, my wife said to me… 在第15号车里 在回家的路上 Have a try : 我们学校里每年秋季都会有运动会。上周举行了一次盛大的比赛。 许许多多的学生都去了赛场。我和我的同桌也去了。我们的老师周老师和李老师也去了。你可以在人群里看到我们。 三十个运动员(athlete)参加了比赛。 比赛的结果是激动人心的。我们每一个人都很开心。 Grammar 一般过去时态 be动词 be am is are was were was 现在式: 过去式: Exercise 用 yesterday 改写下列句子。 1. I am at the church now. 2. My son is at the school today. 3. We are at the office now. 4. There is a bus on the road. 5. Are there any cars here? 6. Here are some butterflies. 一般过去时态 There be (某处有某物) There is--- There are--- There was There were * England France Germany Italy Japan America Lesson 69 The car race Do you like


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