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年产3000吨PVC灌溉输水软管生产车间综合设计 摘要 本设计为年产3000吨PVC灌溉输水软管生产车间的设计。 PVC软管有着弹性好,透明度高,易于运输等许多特点,最突出的是价格平民化,并且可在工农渔业等各个行业使用,针 对不同的用途,采用不同的添加剂。,因此很快得到了大面积的应用普及。 本说明书介绍了当下PVC软管的优势,PVC软管的发展历史、发展现状与发展前景。着重叙述了年产量为3000吨的PVC灌 溉输水软管工厂设计。其中由原料与配方设计、工艺流程设计、物料衡算、设备选型、挤出管材机头设计、车间布置设计、能 量衡算、车间组织、经济概算与环境保护几部分所组成。 本设计严格遵循安全、节能、环保、节约等原则,符合现代化工厂的设计要求。 关键词:聚氯乙烯;灌溉输水软管;工厂设计 Abstract The design for the annual output of 3,000 tons of PVC irrigation water hose production workshop design. PVC hose has a good flexibility, high transparency, easy to transport and many other features, the most prominent is the price of civilians, and can be used in various industries such as industry and agriculture fisheries, for different purposes, the use of different additives. , So soon got a large area of application popularity. This manual describes the advantages of the current PVC hose, PVC hose development history, development status and development prospects. Focusing on the annual output of 3,000 tons of PVC irrigation water hose factory design. Which consists of raw materials and formula design, process design, material accounting, equipment selection, extrusion pipe head design, workshop layout design, energy balance, workshop organization, economic estimates and environmental protection of several parts. The design strictly follow the safety, energy saving, environmental protection, conservation and other principles, in line with the requirements of modern factory design. Key words: PVC;Irrigation water hose;workshop design 目录 摘要 ………………………I Abstract ………………………II 第一章绪论 ………………………5 1.1 PVC管材优势 ………………………5 1.2 PVC软管的优势 ………………………5 1.3 PVC灌溉输水软管发展 ………………………5 1.4 PVC软管的现状 ………………………6 1.5 PVC灌溉输水软管前景 ………………………6 第二章原料及配方设计 ………………………7 2.1配方的重要性 ………………………7 2.2 配方设计条件 ………………………7 2.3配方设计的一般步骤 ………………………7 2.4 原料配方的选择 ………………………7 2.4.1助剂在配方中的作用 ………………………8 第三章工艺流程设计 ………………………9 3.1工艺流程设计原则 ………………………9 3.2生产工艺的确定 ………………………9 3.3挤管工艺流程 ………………………9 3.3.1影响挤出成型的工艺条件 ………………………9 第四章物料衡算 ………………………11 4.1 物料衡算的意义 ………………………11 4.2 物料衡算式 …………


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