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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目 小户型住宅空间简约设计 姓 名 郝帅 ____ 学 号 __________ 系 (部) 艺术设计系 专 业 环境艺术设计 指导教师 严正 _____ 2015年 6 月 1 日 摘 要 小户型住宅设计这些年在市场上有很大需求,是深受广大青年人喜爱的,对于洛阳泉舜铭泉苑小户型的设计,本文从实际情况出发,根据户型的分区调整,空间的划分,以现代简约风格为主题,从业主的特点和使用需求的角度出发,以简洁、时尚、舒适为主,并且做到实用与装饰并重,合理的利用有限的空间,并且为业主留有展现个性的空间。本论文是按照“以人为本”的原则,以达到符合业主的要求为前提,尽自己最大可能的运用现代简约风格,对室内空间环境做出调整,让有限的空间体现出其最大价值,将不合理的地方尽可能的将其完善,力求达到整体的温馨舒适,色彩舒适,布局合理,简约时尚的室内设计效果。在兼顾美观与实用的同时,根据业主的经济实力为业主制定更加合理,经济实用的方案。 关键词:小户型;现代;简约;实用性 Simple design of small house space ABSTRACT Small Huxing residential design these years there is a great demand in the market and is loved by the majority of young people, for Luoyang spring Shun Ming Quan Yuan small Huxing design, this paper from the actual situation of, adjusted according to the partition of Huxing, space division, in a modern minimalist style as the theme, from the angle of the owners of the characteristics and demands of the of with concise, vogue, comfortable, and do both practical and decorative, reasonable use of limited space, and reserve show personality space for the owners. This paper is in accordance with the people-oriented principle to achieve in line with the requirements of the owners as the premise, do their best possible use of modern minimalist style, make adjustments to the indoor space environment, let the limited space reflects the maximum value, the unreasonable place as possible will improve its, and strive to achieve the overall comfortable and cozy and comfortable color, layout is reasonable, simple and stylish interior design effect in both aesthetic and practical at the same time, according to the economic strength of the owners for the owners to develop more reasonable and economical use of the scheme. KEY WORDS: Small Huxing; modern; simple; practical 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc10105 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc10105 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc8568 第1章 小户型的特点与设计原则 PAGEREF _Toc8568 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc19392 1.1 小户型住宅特点


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