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# 20 # 2006 8 王 尊 旺 ( , 350108) [ ] ; ; ; [ ] , , , , , , , [ ] K248; D69 1 [ ] A [ ] 0583-02 14( 2006) 08-0020-08 A Study on Hanlin Bachelor of Mi ng Dynasty WAN G Zun-w ang ( D ep art ment of Publ ic A d minist ration, College of Trad it ional Chinese M edicine, Fuj ian University Fu hou 350108, F uj ian, China, ) Keywords: M ing Dy na ty ; H anlin Bachelor; elect ion of H anlin Bachelor; awar d of Hanlin Bachelor Abstract: T he in titut ion of H anlin Bachelor, cr eat ed in M ing Dyna t y, i an important y tem of educatio n. It w a founded in the ix th year of H ongwu Emper or of t he M ing Dyna t y, formally named in hi eighteenth year, and la ted the whole Dyna ty. It elected among Jin hi of t he 2nd and t he 3rd degr ee , w ho pa ed the examinat ion char ged by Gr and Secretar iat and Board of P er onnel Rite , and w a finally decided by the Emperor. Compared w ith Eight-leg- ged E ay, the t udy and examination of H anlin Bachelor had been enlarged, and placed o n record a a ba i for a- war d . H anlin Bachelor w ere mainly aw ar ded to the po itio n in Hanlin A cademy and off icial in Beij ing, a few of them w ere aw ar ded the local po t . T he development of t he in titutio n of Hanlin Bachelor wa char acter ized di t inctive- ly by it time . [ 2] ( p295~ 311) , , 56:/ , ¹ , ,, , , , , , , , ,


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