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谋学网 HYPERLINK 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。) V 1. Whn nglish spking popl prt,thy r xpt to sy“ ______”.()。 . It’s ni to hv mt you . I m pls to mt you . Thnk you vry muh . You r wlom 标准答案: 2. Th xplntion for to mov hvn n rth to o somthing is()。 . to unrstn th ntur of ons work n omptnt in th prformn of thm . to los th opportunity to o somthing . to o somthing without propr mtril . to mk vry ffort to hiv or otin somthing 标准答案: 3. If omplimnt oms to wstrnr for his goo hins,h woul rply“______ ”. ()。 . No. No. Tht’s not tru . hnk you for nourging m . Sorry,I n’t spking hins wll . Thnk you. I m gl to hr tht 标准答案: 4. Th olour wor “______” is ssoit with profit in usinss. ()。 . whit . lu . r . lk 标准答案: 5. : Wht kin of mtril o you wnt m to ring? : W r in n of mny kins of mtril. s rspons woul rgr y mrins s()。 . somthing urgnt . too gry . too gnrous . insuffiint(不足的)informtion 标准答案: 6. In th Unit Stts, th lk popl r oftn rfrr to s ______ in whih th olour of thir skin tht us thm trouls n suffrings is NOT mntion in nglish uphmisms.()。 . niggrs . ngros . th lk . frin mrins 标准答案: 7. Whn n mrin forms n O with his thum(拇指) n forfingr(食指) whil strthing out th othr thr fingrs, h mns()。 . vitory . vrything is OK . goo luk . Im full 标准答案: 8. Mn: Woul you lik to s movi with m tonight? Womn: It looks lik rining. Th ov sntns r link y ______. ()。 . grmmr . lxil . phontis . mning 标准答案: 9. ______ ontin folk wisom rthr thn sintifi ury. ()。 . Iioms . Mtphors . Simils . Provrs 标准答案: 10. - Is it possil for you to work lt tonight? - ______()。 . I lik it. . Ill o tht. . I lov to . I think so. 标准答案: 11. I islik Tom for h is ______ og. ()。 . whit . yllow . r . lk 标准答案: 12. “黑面包” n trnslt into ()。 . rown r . rk r . lk r . r r 标准答案: 13. Lngug is ______ in tht it is rul govrn.()。 . ritrry . vol . systmti . humn 标准答案: 14. Wstrnrs r si to ____ in intrprsonl hvior.()。 . irt . inirt . linr . spirl 标准答案:


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