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From Hemingway’s Life Experiences to See the Shape of Henry in A Farewell to Arms Author:Chen Fei Supervisor:Duan Tao A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for the Degree of B.A. in English College of Information Engineering Fuyang Teachers College, Anhui Province May, 2012 学士论文 从海明威的人生经历来看《永别了,武器》中的亨利的塑造 陈 飞 (学号200822010102) 指导老师姓名 段 涛 职 称 副教授 单 位 阜阳师范学院信息工程学院 专业名称 英语教育申请学位级别 学士 学位授予单位 阜阳师范学院信息工程学院 2012年5月 From Hemingway’s Life Experiences to See the Shape of Henry in A Farewell to Arms Abstract Most novels are autobiographical. No matter how the author hides his personal experiences, readers can find the life traces in their works. A Farewell to Arms mainly was based on Hemingway’s personal experiences. In this novel, Henry’s experiences shared many similarities with those of Hemingway. In a certain sense, Henry was the image and representative in the world of the novel created by Hemingway .Besides, as the modern famous writer, Ernest Hemingway ever said: “The characters in the novel are not made up by skills, but they must be from the experiences absorbed by the writer himself, from his knowledge, from his mind, from his heart, and from all things of his body. Frederick Henry in is such a character. The shadow of Hemingway can be seen from his body. Their experiences share many similarities, some even surprisingly similar. Key words: Hemingway; war; love; similarities 从海明威的人生经历来看《永别了,武器》中的亨利的塑造 内容摘要 大多数的小说都是自传式的,不管作者怎样隐藏自己的经历,我们都可以在他们的作品中发现生活的痕迹。《永别了,武器》主要依据海明威的个人经历所写。在这部小说里,亨利就经历的许多与海明威相似的状况。在一定意义来说,他就是作者在其所创造的小说世界中的映像和代表。另外美国现代著名作家海明威曾经说过:“小说中的人物不是靠技巧编造出来的角色,他们必须出自作者自己经过消化了的经验,出自他的知识,出自他的头脑,出自他的内心,出自一切他身上的东西” 。弗雷德里克?亨利就是这样的一个人物,从他的身上可以看到海明威本人的影子。他们的经历有着许多相似之处,有的甚至惊人的相似。 关键字:海明威;战争;爱情;相似性 From Hemingway’s Life Experiences to See the Shape of Henry in A Farewell to Arms Thesis Statement Although the characters in the novel are invented by the author in the real world, nobody knows whether the life experiences are tr


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