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第32 卷第8期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol 132, No. 8 2 0 1 1 年 8 月 Journal of Nort heastern U n vers ty( N atural Sc ence) A ug. 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 刘艳华 , 梁 力 , 任庆新 ( 1. , 110819; 2. , 110 168) : , 8 ; , # : , ; , ; , # : ; ; ; ; ; ; : T U 39 8 : A : 1005- 3026( 20 11) 0 8- 119 8- 04 Mechanical Properties of Rubber Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tubular Stub Columns Subj ected to Axial Loading 1 1 2 LI U Yan-hua , LIAN G L i , REN Qing-xin ( 1. School of Resources C v l Eng neer ng , Northeaster n U n vers ty, Shenyang 110819, Ch na; 2 . School of C v l Eng neer ng , Shenyang J anzhu U n vers ty , Sheny ang 110 168, Ch na. Correspond ng author : L IU Yan- hua, E- ma l: xml uyh @ 163 . com) Abstract Exper ments w ere carr ed out on e ght rubber concret e-f lled square st eel t ubular stub columns subject ed to ax al load ng to study t he nfluence of t he rubber replac ng rat o and rubber part cle s ze on t he compress on mechan cal propert es of t he columns. A s m pl f ed formula s proposed f or calculat ng t he ax al bear ng capac ty of the columns. T he t est result s show that t he compress ve st reng th and st ff ness of the columns decrease w t h t he ncrease of bot h rubber replac ng rat o and rubber part cle s ze. T he s mulat on results are cons st ent w t h t he exper mental dat a, demonst rat ng t hat the f ormula can reasonably ev aluat e the ult mat e bear ng capac t y of rubber concret e-f lled st eel tubular st ub columns. Key words concret e-f lled st eel tubes; rubber concret e; stub columns; ax


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