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新概念英语第一册Lesson 121-122 Name__________ score __________ 一·根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词(6’X5=30) The _________(顾客)wanted to change the hat. I ____________(忘记)to bring my homework yesterday . My father is the ________(经理) of the hotel. I _____________(认出) Tom in the crowd the morning . She is standing behind the __________(柜台). 连词成句(单词不能重复使用,标点符号已给出)(8’X5=40) take, with , you , the , umbrella _______________________________________________. put, please , would , on , it , you _______________________________________________? took , their , they , off , shoes ______________________________________________. to , all, Rome , lead , roads _______________________________________________. like , the hat, wear , to , I ________________________________________________. 翻译(10’X3=30) 你有字典吗?______________________________________? 我有一个住在巴黎的姐姐。 ________________________________________________________. 我接待的那个人当时戴着顶帽子。 ________________________________________________________. 新概念英语第一册Lesson 123-124 Name__________ score __________ 一·根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词(5’X8=40) He swims everyday__________(在...期间) the summer. I am going to go on a ____________(旅行)to Hong Kong. He ___________(提供) me a good ____________(工作). We often ____________(猜测)the age of the teacher. I want to be a teacher when I __________(生长)up. Do you like ____________(小猫)? We hope to ____________(旅行) around the world. 用who,which, whom,填空(6’X5=30) He has a brother __________lives in London. That is the man ___________ I met yesterday. I have a book _____________ is funny. That is the ship ____________ we travelled on. She is the girl___________ is very nice. That is the story____________I told you about yesterday. 将下列句子分别用how/what改为感叹句(10’X3=30) He is a handsome man. What ___________________________! How___________________________! These are sweet apples. What ___________________________! How___________________________! The weather is fine. What ________________________


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