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谋学网 HYPERLINK 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. Wht will th ompilr systm mth in rting high--sp omputr? . th lngug . th softwr . th progrm . th hrwr 标准答案: 2. How mny wys r thr to onnt to th puli Intrnt? . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 标准答案: 3. ftr__________ my lssons I wnt to . . rviw . to rviw . rviwing . rviwing 标准答案: 4. Wht promot th vlopmnt of omputr offi systms? . Th srvi stor of th Unit Stts onomy. . Th mnuftur of ookkping n illing mhins. . Hvy volum t prossing rquirmnts. . Typwritrs, lultors, n mnul ounting thniqus. 标准答案: 5. hrtristi of oprting systm is . rsour mngmnt . rror rovry . mmory mngmnt . ll th ov 标准答案: 6. Though ____ y wht h si ,sh int liv in him. . ttrting . sh ttrt . ttrt . hv n ttrt 标准答案: 7. omputr offi systms onsist of _______________. . omputrs n typwritrs . typwritrs n omputrs . typwritrs n thir priphrl quipmnt . omputrs n thir priphrl quipmnt 标准答案: 8. H ws gl to fin th fir ____ rightly. . urning . urn . to um . hv um 标准答案: 9. ntrliz ts systm is wll suit1 for . inultintion1 orportions mploys. . lol improvistion n fr whling. . top-own ontrol. . mngrs in iffrnt lotions. 标准答案: 10. Th girl I sw ____ rown hir n lu ys. . h sh . sh h . hr . h 标准答案: 二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) V 1. rror rovry os not long to oprting systm.() . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 2. Progrms wr thought of s sris of prours. () . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 3. From th usr’s point of viw ISN will omplx worlwi ntwork. . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 4. Only fw ugs n troul progrm.() . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 5. 6 it lphnumri o n rprsnt 128 iffrnt hrtrs. . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 6. W n us multimi in ution, utinmnt n so on.() . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 7. Whn progrmming in prour--orint lngug, you tll th omputr wht to o n how to o it. . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 8. Th ntwork rhittur is lyr-s. () . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 9. oring to omputrs’ powr n siz, w hv sktop, lptop n hnhl Ps.() . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 10. Worksttions in ISN us for , grphis rts n sktop pulishing will


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