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南 京 工 程 学 院 毕业设计说明书(论文) 作 者: 丑 座 良 学 号: 208100715 系 部: 通 信 工 程 专 业: 通信工程(信息工程) 题 目:基于流媒体技术的视频点播系统设计与实现 指导者: 吴 海 涛 (讲 师) 评阅者: 2014 年 6 月 南 京 Design and Implementation of a Video on Demand System Based on Streaming Media A Dissertation Submitted toNanjing Institute of Technology A Dissertation Submitted to Nanjing Institute of Technology For the Academic Degree of Bachelor of Science By ZuoLiang Chou Supervised by Lecturer HaiTao Wu College of Communication Engineering Nanjing Institute of Technology June 2014 摘要 随着科技的进步,网络逐渐走进了我们的生活。视频点播是网络的技术应用之一。校园视频点播系统很大程度上方便学生的学习,被广泛的应用在的教育中。 流媒体技术应用在视频点播系统上,其中流式传输的出现,很大程度的解决视频数据在互联网上的传输问题。本文研究了流媒体技术,视频点播系统工作原理。设计了基于流媒体技术的视频点播系统。详细讨论了系统设计方案与工作流程。以及如何在实践中应用视频点播系统。根据设计的要求完成视频点播系统的制作,同时给出了主要页面的实现的效果,在设计之中注意了管理员管理系统的便捷性以及安全性,并且在保障系统基础功能完成的前提下同时增加了用户留言的功能。 关键词:视频播放;VS2010;SQL2005 Abstract With advances in technology, the network gradually into our lives. Video on demand is one of the technology network. Campus Video-on-demand system is largely to facilitate student learning, has been widely used in the education. The technology in the video-on-demand system, which appears streamed to a large extent solve the problem in the transmission of video data on the Internet. This paper studies the streaming media technology, video-on-demand system works. Designed based video-on-demand streaming media technology systems. A detailed discussion of the system design and workflow. Video-on-demand system and how to apply in practice. Completed in accordance with the design requirements of video-on-demand system of production, and gives effect to achieve the main page, in the design of attention among the convenience and security administrators to manage the system, and under the protection of the premise of the system at the same time to complete basic functions adds features user messages. Keywords: Video Player,



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