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PAGE 2 黑龙江科技学院毕业设计(论文) 变频器控制电路设计 学生姓名: 学生学号: 院 (系): 电气工程 年级专业:电气工程及其自动化 指导教师: 二〇一四年十二月 黑龙江科技学院毕业设计(论文) 攀枝花学院专科毕业设计(论文) 摘要 PAGE 2 摘要 变频器已应用于各行各业多种设备,并成为当今节电,改造传统工业,改善工艺流程,提高生产过程自动化水平,提高产品质量,改善环境主要技术之一。变频器技术是一种绿色技术,是国民经济和日常生活中普遍需要新技术,也是国际上技术更新换代最快领域之一。 开关器件是变频器核心器件,绝缘栅双极型品体管(ICBT)投入市场以后,很快成为中小功率电力电子设备主导器件,而且其电压、容量及开关频率性能还在提高。智能功率模块(IPM)集成了多个常规IGBT,为用户降低设计和生产成本提供了便利条件,并使系统性能和可靠性得到了有效提高。IPM内部集成驱动和保护电路可简化系统设计,其自我保护功能可使功率模块在测试及现场应用中损坏可能性大大降低。采用IPM后系统综合性能极大提高,其性价比已经超过IGBT,有很好经济性。 本文使用IPM模块PM50RSAl20设计一款小型通用变频器,功率为1500 W,并将开关电源也集成到变频器中,体积小,方便在小功率场合使用。 关键词:变频器、控制电路、PM50RSAl20、小功率电路 ABSTRACT Composed with SCM of the VVVF controller being able to start from low frequency (50Hz) to 1000Hz.It can remove the working band in the past start the impingement to the electric motor directly. At the same time, since the frequency converter can adjust output voltage fit in with itself, making loads motor can work under fixed voltage, which not only energy conservation but also prolong the life time of the motor. In this paper, cross - straight - cross the main circuit design, in front of a rectifier circuit, the back is a full-bridge inverter circuit, which by the four N-channel MOSFET component, such as tubes formed by the same symmetry of the bridge circuit of better control of small pressure drop, reducing the energy loss of this; output link using the LC filter circuit. Inverter circuit by the drive circuit composed of discrete components, that while an increase of circuit complexity, but greatly reduced the design cost. Control circuit and driver circuit using optocoupler completely isolated, so that the main cause of the circuit due to the outside world, when major fluctuations will not affect the normal operation of control circuit. For the control of the microprocessor core based on the


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