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咸阳师范学院2014届毕业论文(设计) 学校代码 10722 学号 分类号 TP393 密级 公开 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目 基于移动传感网的城市交通热区分析 Based on the analysis of mobile sensor network urban traffic hotspots 作者姓名 专业名称 计算机科学与技术 学科门类 理学 指导教师 提交论文日期 二〇一四年 成绩等级评定 PAGE PAGE IV PAGE PAGE III PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT - 1 - 摘 要 无线传感器网络技术现已被应用在智能交通的信息采集、信息传输、交通控制和疏导等多个方面,已成为智能交通的关键技术,因此无线传感器网络技术对于现代交通有着非常重要的意义。 城市交通热区分析,主要是通过安装在各类交通工具上的无线传感器组成的移动传感网络对城市交通情况进行监测,分析出城市中的交通热区。本文以咸阳市的公交系统为基础,设计并开发了一个城市交通模拟平台,通过车载的移动传感网实现对咸阳市区各路公交线路的跟踪,记录每辆公交车的行进轨迹,通过热区搜索算法,计算出市区中的交通热区。 该城市交通模拟平台,实现了对公交线路的路径追踪,进而实现了城市交通热区的发现和管理,为交通管理部门实施交通管理和疏导交通提供了很好的决策依据。 关键词:移动传感网;交通热区;无线传感器 Abstract Wireless sensor network technology has been applied in intelligent traffic information collection, information transmission, traffic control and guidance, and other aspects, has become the key technology of intelligent transportation, so wireless sensor network technology for modern transportation has very important significance. Urban traffic hotspots analysis, mainly by means of the wireless sensors installed in all kinds of transportation on the urban traffic situation of mobile sensor network monitoring, analysis of the citys traffic hotspots. In this paper, based on the XianYangShi bus system, designed and developed a urban traffic simulation platform, through the vehicle-mounted mobile sensor network system for the implementation of various bus lines in xianyang city track, record every bus path, through the hot search algorithm, to calculate the traffic hotspots in downtown. The urban traffic simulation platform, has realized the path tracking of bus lines, and then realize the detection and management of city traffic hotspots, the traffic administrative department of the implementation of traffic management and traffic provides a good de



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