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你听过(看过)哪些著名的故事?选择你最喜欢的那一个介绍给大家。写一篇短文。 要点: 1.你最喜欢的是哪个故事? 2.它主要讲的是什么(简要写出故事的主要情节)? 3.你为什么喜欢它? I like reading stories very much. Once I read a story called “Snow-White” And I like it very much. Snow-White is a pretty princess, her mother died when she was young. Later she has a stepmother---the Queen. She’s a bad lady. In order to become the most beautiful woman, she wants to kill the lovely princess. Snow-White gets lost in the forest, and finds a small house. Seven Dwarfs live there, they like Snow-White and help her. But one day , the queen knows it and gave Snow White a poisonous apple. Snow-White ate the apple, fell into a deep sleep. At last, a prince kissed Snow White, she wakes up. They get married and live happily. This story is so interesting for me to read, and I like the ending of this story best. I think a kind person must have a good result. 你经历过(看到过)交通事故的发生吗?写一篇短文描述一次交通事故。 要点: 1.事故发生的时间、地点? 2.为什么会发生这次事故? 3.怎样发生这次事故的?后来又发生了什么事? 4.你有什么看法。 我们不得不面对人口问题,人口问题正日益严重。写一篇短文描述家乡面临的人口问题。 要点: 1.你的家乡面临哪些因人口面带来的问题?(1.越来越多的人外出打工,农田荒芜 2.环境太差,垃圾成山3.公共服务太差 ……) 2. 这些问题可以怎样解决? 3. 你有什么看法。 More and more people move to cities for jobs, it makes fields waste. The environment is very bad, we can see rubbish everywhere, and there isn’t enough clean water for us. It needs more schools, buses, hospitals and better public services. To solve these problems, we can look for jobs in local factories . We should correctly handle the waste. And the government needs to provide more schools, buses, hospitals and better public services. In my opinion , it’s our duty to make our hometown better. 你的家乡在哪里,有什么特别之处。写一篇短文描述到你的家乡旅行的最好时间和方式。 要点: 1.你的家乡在那里?有什么特别之处? 2. 你家乡的天气如何?什么是到你家乡参观的最好时间?为什么? 3. 到你的家乡旅行需要带什么?为什么? The best time to visit my hometown I am from Sichuan Province. It’s a beautiful place with long history. It’s in the southwest of China. There’s a lot to see and to do in Sichuan. The weather here is fine. It’s a little hot in summer. And it’s


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