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外国语言文化学院 11级英师3班 郭静华 Materials Teaching Plan Teacher XXX Teaching time 12minutes Teaching material Unit2 The Olympic Games Writing – Report “My Hobby” (Senior Model 2, PEP) Type of the lesson Writing Class Analysis of teaching content This is a report in the topic of My Hobby. The text type of report is exposition, which is a new type for students of senior one. It’s used to show information, in other words, to introduce a subject. This writing should be mainly presented in simple present tense. Language of report writing is formal language. Analysis of students Learning status: Students in senior grade one possess the vocabulary of over 2000. They are capable of using some basic tenses like simple present tense, which is the major tense of report writing. Besides, they have preliminarily formed the logical thought. Sentimental status: they possess prominent creativity and strong curiosity of their surroundings. They commonly have fear of writing, mainly because they do not know what to write and how to write. Teaching objectives (including the key point and the difficult point) Language knowledge (the Difficult point): Report writing: a kind of exposition, which is a new text type for students. They have difficulties in using this writing in daily life. Language skills(the Key point): Master the writing structure of a report Arrange the detail information in report Form an elementary habit of self-correction Strategies: Communicative strategy: to learn how to communicate with others in English and obtain information. Cognitive strategy: to learn how to analyze and conclude what they learn. Emotional effects: To learn more about various hobbies and form a good habit. To improve students’ confidence and interest in writing a report. Cultural awareness: To learn report writing and prepare for other kinds of exposition writing. Educational approaches Task Based Teaching Method Communicative Approach Process Based-Writing Teaching Method Teaching aids PPT, inter


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