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论题篇(第一卷)(英文) 【古希腊】亚里士多德 编 辽宁电子图书有限责任公司 论题篇(第一卷)(英文) 【古希腊】亚里士多德 编 辽宁电子图书有限责任公司 2004年7月第 版 2004年7月第 次 印刷 开本:850 ×1168毫米 1/32 印张: 字数 : 千字 印数 : 责任编辑:高志华 I SBN L-YY-00030/ B 0 7 定价 : 15.00 元 TOPICS by Aristotle translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Book I 1 OUR treatise proposes to find a line of inquiry whereby we shall be able to reason from opinions that are generally accepted about every problem propounded to us, and also shall ourselves, when standing up to an argument, avoid saying anything that will obstruct us. First, then, we must say what reasoning is, and what its varieties are, in order to grasp dialectical reasoning: for this is the object of our search in the treatise before us. Now reasoning is an argument in which, certain things being laid down, something other than these necessarily comes about through them. (a) It is a demonstration, when the premisses from which the reasoning starts are true and primary, or are such that our knowledge of them has originally come through premisses which are primary and true: (b) reasoning, on the other hand, is dialectical, if it reasons from opinions that are generally accepted. Things are true and primary which are believed on the strength not of anything else but of themselves: for in regard to the first principles of science it is improper to ask any further for the why and wherefore of them; each of the first principles should command belief in an



