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癌变·畸变·突变  1998 年第 10 卷第 3 期       Carcinogenesis Teratogenesis and Mutagenesis Vol 10 No 3 1998 挥发性物质体外致突变定量检测方法的研究 1 2 1 2 1 周永贵  郁庆平  范玉兰  李兆明  犹学筠 1 2 上海市劳动卫生职业病防治研究所  上海  200003  江南造船厂  上海  200011 摘要  设计了一种新型的测试挥发性物质密闭容器装置 ,建立了一套简便、快速、实用的挥发性物质体外致 突变定量检测方法。应用平衡原理测得挥发性物质培养基/ 气分配系数和致突变测试容器装置中空气浓度 , 通过简单公式计算 ,即可获得培养基中受试物浓度。整个定量分析过程仅需 4h 。挥发性物质在致突变测试 容器装置内可保持特定的浓度 ,剂量与效应关系明确。在 Ames 致突变测试中 ,对沸点低于 100 ℃挥发性物 质 ,必须用容器装置才能检测致变性 ,沸点在 100 ℃以上 ,200 ℃以下 ,容器装置方法仍是首选有效的检测方 法。 挥发性物质 ;致突变 ;定量检测 关键词   A METHOD OF THE QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF THE MUTAGENICITY OF VOLATIL E SUBSTANCE IN VITRO 1 2 1 2 1 Zhou Yonggui , Yu Qingping , Fan Yulan , Li Zhaoming , You Xuejun S hanghai Instit unte of L abour Hy giene and Occupational Disease , S hanghai \ 200003   Jian gN an S hipyard , S hanghai  200011 Abstract  A new sealed container for testing the mutagenicity of the volatile shbstance is designed and simple , repid and useful mutagenic quantitative method for these substances in vitro is devel oped. The media/ air partition cofficients and the concentration in the container of the volatile substance are measured using the equilibration Princile. Then the concentration of the substance tested in the media is got by simple formule. The whole procedure is completed during 4 hrs only. The given comcentration of the volatile substance in the container can be kept , and the doseeffect relationship is clear. In Ames/ Salmenlla assay the results suggested that , when volatile chemicals with the boiling Point of below 100 ℃are tested the mutagenic test must use the container ; when the chemicals with the boiling point of 100 ℃- 200 ℃are tested the container is still useful and elected firstly. Key words


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