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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 ┊┊┊┊┊┊┊ ┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊      二○一四年六月 基于FPGA的自动售货机控制器设计 专业班级: 电子信息工程3班 姓 名: 林 慧 指导老师: 严 飞 信息科学技术学院 摘 要 随着科学技术的迅猛发展、人们生活水平的逐日提高,自动售货机作为自动化商业机械的代表被广泛用于公共场所自动售货,给人们的生活带来了极大的方便。 本文介绍的是基于FPGA的自动售货机控制器的软件设计,此自动售货机控制器包含八个大模块:购物模块,定价模块,投币模块,比价模块,计时模块,复位模块,购物显示模块以及数码管显示模块。投入钱币并通过键盘选择后再经比价处理模块,将对应的出货找零信息通过LED灯和数码管显示模块反映。 本设计借助于VHDL语言来编程实现八个模块的基本功能,在Quartus II软件中实现模块的设计、编译、综合、优化、仿真直至生成器件之后下载到 FPGA目标芯片上。在ZY11EDA13BE实验系统中完成自动售货机的功能实现,通过开关、键盘等完成购物请求、投币等操作,通过数码管及指示灯显示系统运行结果,从而可以更清晰地观察到自动售货机的运行情况。 关键词:自动售货机控制器;EDA;FPGA;QuartusII;VHDL ABSTRACT With the rapid development of science and technology as well as peoples living standards rise day by day. As a representative of commercial machinery automation vending ,the vending machine business is widely used in public places ,has bought great convenience to peoples lives. This paper describes the software design and hardware design based on FPGA vending machine controller, the vending machine controller module consists mainly of eight modules: shopping module, price module, coin module, timing module, price comparison module, reset module, shopping display module and digital display module. After parity processing module for selected commodity prices and the amount of investment comparison, the corresponding change information delivery through LED lights and the digital display module display. This design using VHDL hardware description language programming to describe the basic function of eight modules. Performed on the Quartus II software platform for design, compilation, integration, optimization, simulation and ultimately the resulting object files downloaded to the target FPGA chip. Completing the realization of the function of the vending machine in the ZY11EDA13BE experimental system. Coin, shopping request through the switch, keyboard and the other operations. Through digital tube and light display system running result, which can be observed more clea


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