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西安培华学院本科毕业论文(设计) 王家卫《东邪西毒》艺术特色浅析 16 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II I 王家卫《东邪西毒》艺术特色浅析 摘 要 《东邪西毒》是一部极具人性色彩的电影。影片中不同的人物之间,故事相互交错发展,张扬的个性表演与美轮美奂的油画似的画面构图,是影片的突出之处。影片中各个明星的表演极具特性,每个人都成功的塑造了武侠世界里非凡的人物。王家卫导演让他的演员在片中完美的演绎出了每个人物的特性,使每个人物充满了自己的个性。 《东邪西毒》中的每个人物总是活在记忆里,却又在苦苦的追寻,有时候割舍不下,难以忘怀的其实并不是记忆,而是那颗受了伤的,孤寂的心。影片中的画面绚丽干净,层次分明。金黄色的沙漠、蔚蓝色的天空、碧绿色的树木,红色的桃花,都形成了强烈的色彩对比。影片中光与影之间相互交错,充满了视觉冲击力,也营造出了东方美学的意境。 本文以《东邪西毒》中各个人物成功塑造的独特悲剧性特色分析为主,在以片中画面分析,镜头语言浅析为辅,进而探究这部影片中的艺术创作特色。 关键词:王家卫;《东邪西毒》;孤单;独白;镜头语言;鸟笼 On the film "Ashes of Time" in the figures and camera language Abstract "Ashes of Time" is a very human color film. Between different characters in the film , the story intertwined development , assertive personality performances with magnificent paintings like picture composition , is a prominent place of the movie. Movie star of the show very characteristic of each and everyone successfully created a remarkable figure in the martial arts world . Directed by Wong Kar-wai to let his actors in the film the perfect interpretation of the characteristics of each character , so that each character is full of his own personality. " Ashes of Time" Each character is always live in the memory, but in the pursuit of hard , sometimes less than give up , not really unforgettable memories , but sinking wounded , lonely heart. Brilliant movie screen clean and structured. Golden desert , blue sky , trees aquamarine , red, peach , have formed a strong color contrast. Lights and Shadows movie intertwined , full of visual impact, but also to create a mood oriental aesthetics. In this paper, " Ashes of Time" in shaping the success of the unique character of each tragic characteristics analysis , mainly in order to analyze the film screen , camera language analysis , supplemented by further exploring the film 's artistic characteristics. Keywords: Wong Kar-wai,"Ashes of Time",lonely,monologue,lenses language,Birdcage 目 录 TOC \o "1-3"


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