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PAGE 1 - Chapter 1 练习 复习题 1.定义一个基于图灵模型的计算机。 答:Turing proposed that all kinds of computation could be performed by a special kind of a machine. He based the model on the actions that people perform when involved in computation. He abstracted these actions into a model for a computational machine that has really changed the world. 图灵模型假设各种各样的运算都能够通过一种特殊的机器来完成,图灵机的模型是基于各种运算过程的。图灵模型把运算的过程从计算机器中分离开来,这确实改变了整个世界。 2.定义一个基于冯·诺伊曼模型的计算机。 答:The von Neumann Model defines the components of a computer, which are memory, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), the control unit and the input/output subsystems. 冯·诺伊曼模型定义了计算机的组成,它包括存储器、算术逻辑单元、控制单元和输入/输出系统。 3.在基于图灵模型的计算机中,程序的作用是什么? 答:Based on the Turing model a program is a set of instruction that tells the computer what to do. 基于图灵模型的计算机中程序是一系列的指令,这些指令告诉计算机怎样进行运算。 4.在基于冯·诺伊曼模型的计算机中,程序的作用是什么? 答:The von Neumann model states that the program must be stored in the memory. The memory of modern computers hosts both programs and their corresponding data. 冯·诺伊曼模型的计算机中,程序必须被保存在存储器中,存储程序模型的计算机包括了程序以及程序处理的数据。 5.计算机中有哪些子系统? 答:The subsystems of the von Neumann model are memory, the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), the control unit, and the input/output. 冯·诺伊曼模型的计算机中子系统包括存储器、算术逻辑单元、控制单元和输入/输出单元。 6.计算机中存储器子系统的功能是什么? 答:Memory is the storage area used for programs and data. 存储器的功能是用来保存程序和数据的。 7.计算机中ALU子系统的功能是什么? 答:The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) is where calculations and logical operations take place. 计算机中ALU子系统的功能是进行算术和逻辑运算的地方。 8.计算机中控制单元子系统的功能是什么? 答:The control unit controls the operations of the memory, ALU, and the input/output subsystem. 计算机中控制单元子系统的功能是控制存储器、算术逻辑单元和输入/输出的运行。 9.计算机中输入/输出子系统的功能是什么? 答:The input subsystem accepts input data and the program from outside the computer; the output subsystem sends the result of the processing to the outside. 计算机中输入子系统的功能是接收计算机外部输出的程序和数据;输出子系统是发送处理结果到计算机外部。 10.简述5个时代的计算机? 答:The first generation (roughly 1950–1959) is characterized by the emergence of commercial computers and were used only by professionals. The se



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