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第 第 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV 页 摘要 本文以山核桃壳为原料,采用磷酸活化法制备了山核桃壳生物质活性炭,采用单因素法考察了活化温度、活化时间、活化剂浓度对活性炭亚甲基兰吸附值、碘吸附值的影响,并对制备的活性炭进行了表征。进而做了对甲基橙的吸附性应用。 实验结果表明,在磷酸浓度为5 mol·L-1,活化温度400℃,活化时间为1h 的条件下,所制备的活性炭性能最优。 上述条件制备的活性炭碘值752.5 mg·g-1,亚甲基兰值141.7 mg·g-1,国标木质净水用活性炭二级标准。 对甲基橙吸附实验表明,核桃壳活性炭吸附水中甲基橙最佳条件为:甲基橙浓度为500mg·L-1,pH为4,吸附时间为120min,投加量为0.03g。 综上,本文以山核桃壳作为原料,磷酸作为活化剂,制备出了低能耗、高吸附性能的环境友好型活性炭,对染料吸附性能优良,有望成为新一代的活性炭产品。 关键词:山核桃壳,磷酸活化法,甲基橙; Abstract In this paper, pecan shells as raw material, phosphoric acid activation prepared pecan shell activated carbon biomass legal system to investigate the activation temperature using single factor, activation time, the impact of the activator concentration on activated carbon adsorption value of methylene blue, iodineadsorption value, and activated carbons were characterized. Furthermore done adsorption of methyl orange applications. Experimental results show that the concentration of phosphoric acid 5mol·L-1, activation temperature 400℃, activation time of 1h under the conditions of the preparation of activated carbon optimal performance. Activated carbon iodine value above conditions prepared 752.5mg·g-1, methylene blue value 141.7mg·g-1, close to the two products. Methyl orange adsorption experiments showed that walnut shell activated carbon adsorption of methyl orange optimum conditions were: methyl orange concentration of 500mg·L-1, pH 4, adsorption time is 120min, the dosage of 0.03g. In summary, this paper pecan shells as raw material, phosphoric acid as an activator, prepared a low-power, high adsorption performance of activated carbon and environment-friendly, high performance dye adsorption, is expected to becomethe next generation of activated carbon products. Key words:Pecan shell, phosphoric acid activation method, methyl orange; 目录TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc16916 HYPERLINK \l _Toc29111 1 绪论 ( PAGEREF _Toc29111 1) HYPERLINK \l _Toc12375 1.1活性炭制备原料 ( PAGEREF _Toc12375 1) HYPERLINK \l _Toc31952 1.1.1煤炭 ( PAGE


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