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take up 1) 拿/举/抬/收起 He took up his pen and began to write. 2) 对…产生兴趣 She has taken up photography. 3) 接受 :他准备接受挑战了吗? Is he going to take up the challenge? 4) 开始从事…,开始承担 She decided to take up teaching as his career. The jet took up too much space. Which of the following take up has the same meaning as the one in the above sentence? A. She took up her first teaching post in 1950. B. Li Qiang is taking up his prize won last year. C. My mother has taken up yoga since she met the coach. D. Writing the paper took up most of his weekend. First impressions. 第一印象 impressions: n. [C] 印象;感想 我对他的印象很好. I had a very good impression of him. make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象 这演说给我们留下了深刻的印象. The speech made a strong impression on us. The teacher impressed us with his sense of humour. impress sb. with sth. constantly adv. 经常地,反复地 constant adj.经常的,不变的,忠贞的 The old man’s hands shook constantly. I am Jay’s constant fan and supporter. 老人的手不停的颤抖. traffic jam · 单词提示: press… constantly The drivers _______the horn _________. press constantly horn · The computer ________________________ _____________. reminds you that you can’t type something nasty By the year 3000, your computer will punish you if you type something nasty. The problem reminds the researchers that they should develop the technology. remind sb. that The picture __________________. ② remind sb. of sth. ③ remind sb. to do sth. The stop sign _______________ ___________. reminds me of… reminds the driver to stop the car Cars will have to stop for stop signs. As a result, I suffered from “time lag”. (1)as a result 因此,结果 as a result of result from result in 由于 起因于… 导致(=lead to) 天下雪,因此他们迟到了. It snowed, as a result, they were late. (2)suffer from ①患(病) ②因….受困扰 The doctor suffers from headache. They suffers from poverty. Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air. surroundings专指自然环境(客观),用复数. environment可指自然环境,也可指精神环境(主观),用单数. e.g.: Th


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