中国当代社会与文化英文教程 翻译.pdf

中国当代社会与文化英文教程 翻译.pdf

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中国当代社会与文化英文教程第二版翻译练习答案(word 版) Unit 1 Translation 总体而言,中国地势西高东低。西部为青藏高原,位于西藏和青海省内,平均海拔超过4000 米,是世界最高抵,号称“世界屋脊” 。东部海拔450 米以下,是中国最繁荣、人口最稠密的地区。 北部地势低平,间或为高山阻断;往南是河流冲击而成的平原;再南部是丘陵地带,沟壑纵横。 Broadly speaking, the relief of China is high in the west and low in the east. The west area is represented by the Plateau of Tibet, located in Xizang and Qinghai, with an average elevation of 4000 meters. It is the highest part in the world and is termed as “the roof of the world ”. The east area, with an elevation below 450 meters, is the most prosperous and populous in China. In the north lies a low and flat land, occasionally interrupted by the mountains. Southward, one could see plains created by the rivers. In the far south, there are low mountains crossed by the river valleys. Translation 经过四个世纪的内战,隋朝统一了中国。接下来的唐朝将封建社会的繁荣推向顶峰,成为一 个地域最大最繁华的帝国,是中国历史上的黄金时代。8 世纪中期国家出现混乱,国力衰微,直 到宋朝才结束了这种状况,国家再度统一。宋之后是元朝,这是历史上第一个统治中国的异域民 族,当时对异族统治中国民间有着普遍的抵制。最后,蒙古人被赶回大草原,明朝建立。 After four centuries of civil wars, the Sui Dynasty reunited China. The succeeding Tang Dynasty pushed the feudal society to the height of prosperity. China became an expansive, cosmopolitan empire. That was the golden age in Chinese civilization. In the middle of the 8th century, it began to decline and slipped into chaos. The state was not reunited until the establishment of the Song Dynasty. After Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty came into being, which was the first minority group to rule whole China, and their ruthless rule induced hatred from the public. Consequently, the Mongolians were pushed back to the steppes and Yuan Dynasty was replaced by Ming Dynasty. Unit 2 Translation 回族是分布最广的一个少数民族,约三分之一的回民定居在宁夏,其余的分散在全国各 地。小范围集中、大范围分散是回民的居住方式。他们是唐朝时期到中国来的阿拉伯和伊朗 商人的后裔。元朝时代中亚大量移民也加入到这个群体中。伊斯兰教影响了他们的生活的各 个方面。回民的日常语言是阿拉伯语和波斯语,清真寺是典型的回教建筑。 Hui is China’s most widely distributed ethnic minority: about a third of Hui people settle in Ningxia and


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