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鲁教版七年级英语(下) Unit 4—Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation 单元测试题 满分120分 词组翻译。(15分) 1、找到一份兼职工作______________ 2、上表演课_____________ 3、同时__________ 4、国际杂志_______________ 5、得高分________________ 6、取出_____________ 7、干家务_________________ 8、照顾______________9、整理床铺_________________ 10、靠近___________ 11、最友好的服务________________12、优质服装_______________ 13、降价______________14、在白天___________________15、持续两个月_____________ 首字母补全单词。(15分) My father is a j________ at a TV station. ( My grandmother is 70 years old ,she r________15 years ago. Did you make a New Year’s r ____________? Uncle Liu studies e____________ . I h_________ traveling by air . Take out the t_______ ,Jim . My mother does the d________ after meals .1。 Lucy is a t________, she’s 14 years old . It’s boring to do c_________ . This seat is very c_______________. I study hard, so I s___________ watch TV. Jinan is in Shandong P___________. Jim is a funny p_____________. The singing competition was a great s____________. To my d_________, I passed the exam . 选择题。(10分) Emily is______some studying_____ college. A.do, at B.do, at the C.going to do, at the D. doing, on the 2. It______ tomorrow. A.rain B. rains C.going to rain D.is going to rain 3. I want to move_______. A. quiet somewhere B. somewhere quiet C.to quiet somewhere D. to somewhere quiet 4.—Could I please stay late?—No. you_______. A.could B. can C.can’t D. couldn’t 5.Yesterday I_______ his goldfish. A.feed B.feeds C. fed D. feeded . 6.Could you help me _______ chores? A.do B.doing C.does D.did 7.Come________ my house and I’ll show you my new CDs. A. over B. to over C. up to D. over to 8.Of all the subjects, I like English________. A.very much B.well C,better D. best 9.Which is ________,fish, tomatoes_______ potatoes? A. the most delicious, or B. more delicious, and C. most delicious , of D. delicious, and 10._________ of the two women is Mrs Brown. A.The beautiful B. The more


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