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Abandon 1.abandon+ sb.? 离开一个人(尤其指你有责任的)/或指停止支持或帮助 Families cannot abandon the elderly to the care of strangers.? 2 abandon+ (a place/a thing) 离开(危险的)事物或地点 3. Abandon + sth 停止支持;停止对。。。的信念 We cannot abandon the principle. ? Abnormal? 常加+sb 不同寻常的(达到了一种让人担忧,有害的程度) They experience abnormal level of stress. ? Abroad adv. 在国外地;到国外去地 He studied abroad for a year. ? Absent? 1. 因为疾病等原因缺席 2. 不存在(+from sth.) : not present in sth? Love is totally absent from his childhood. In the absence of:? The case will be dismissed in absence of any definite proof.? 3. 心不在焉的,出神的 An absent look on his face irritated the teacher. ? Absolute? 1. 完全的(常做定语) absolute confidence truth? 2. 不容置疑的;确实的 The police had absolute proof.? 3. 绝对的,不受任何限制的 Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standards.? ? Absorb? 1. 吸收液体,气体等? 2. 把小的部分并入更大的部分;同化 The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees. The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city.? 3. 吸收知识;吸引注意力,使全神贯注 It takes time for you to absorb the full meaning of the remark.? He was absorbed in taking down the notes. ? Abundant? (正式) 数量大的; 丰富的,富裕的 an abundant supply of meat, milk and eggs an abundant land 富饶的土地 They live a life of abundance. ? Abuse Vt. n.? 1. 滥用+sth(以至于到达了伤害身体健康的地步) abuse alcohol/drugs 2. 滥用某种有用的东西 She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends. 3. +sb. 对。。加以虐待或谩骂?? ? Academic 1. (常做定语adj) 学校的 a new academic year 新学年 Academic work ?功课 2. (Sb)好学的 She wasnt very academic and hated school. 3. 与实际情况无关的,因此不重要的 This is a purely academic question.? n. 大学老师,学者 ? Accelerate 可做vt或vi 1. ( 使)。。。发生得更快 Exposure to the sun can accelerate the aging process.? 2. Sb或物体移动得更快 The car accelerated to overtake me.? Access n.?1. 通道;入口 To help disabled visitors, there is good wheelchair access to most facilities..? 2. 接近(sb/sth)的途径;使用。。。的途径 Students must have access to good resources. ? Accommodate 1. 给sb提供住处(或空间) 2. 容纳;容对。。。进入 Thousands of songs can be accommodated on one CD. 3. 对。。。予以照顾性考虑 Our proposal tries to accom



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