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5 president banda’s background as a doctor has given him a deep __ into the medical problems that face the country . A view in view of Scenery Landscape B vision visit visible C insight D scene 6 a good teacher must know how to __ his ideas. A convey Survey Supervise B display C consult insult D exclaim (reclaim acclaim ) 9 In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of __ books from the school library. A brim Rim grim trim Prim 补充:prose Plight pray B reference C sample ample maple Amplify signify classify simplify D redcap 10 This is a __ moment for our research. We should be careful. A critical critic B regular regulate regulation C conservative conserve reserve deserve D generous generate 11 The group of technicians are engaged in a study which __ all aspects of urban planning. A embraces brace (bracelet) Embarrass empower Embitter endanger enclose enlighten B respects Suspect prospect perspective aspect inspect expect C inserts Sert Exsert Assert Desert D estimates Modest Earnest Nest 补充mate 词汇 Climate inmate Intimate Ultimate 13 Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t __ so much noise. A resist Persist Insist Consist Assist B sustain C tolerate D undergo Undergraduate underground Underline undertake 14 The shy girl felt __ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions. A amazed B awkward C curious D amused 补充, Dart Negative optimistic Nuisance Nutrition Patience Treasure Tremble Vacant Vacation 15 Heavy taxes are __ on wines imported from the other countries. A imposed impose ones opinion on somebody Expose compose decompose Depose deposit Propose B spoiled Spout Span Sphere Adhere Spill Spit Splendid Spray Spread Campaign C spouted D campaigned 17 The newcomers found it impossible to __ themselve


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