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205 V o l. 20 No . 5 2000 10 Bulletin o f Soil and Water Conserv ation O ct . , 2000 1 1 2 1 陈效民, 潘根兴, 王德建, 李宝山 ( 1. , 210095 ; 2 . , 210008 : , 7. 20 10- 5 6. 3310- 4 cm / s, ; , , : ; ; : A : 1000 - 288X ( 2000 05- 0011- 02: S 152. 7 A Study on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Farmland Environment Soil of Taihu Lake Region 1 1 2 1 CHEN Xiao-min , PA N Gen-xing , W A N G De-jian , L i Bao-shan ( 1. , , 2 10095, College of Natural Resources and Environmental Science N anj ing A gricultural University N anj ing J iangsu Prov ince, PRC; 2. Institute of Soil Science, Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Nanj ing 210008, Jiangsu Province, PR C : . Abstract T he sat urat ed hydraulic co nduct iv it ies of mainly paddy so il in T aihu lake r eg ion w ere st udied T he result s w er e as fo llow s . ( 1 T he sat urat ed hydraul ic conduct ivit ies in t he soil w ere changeabl e fr om 7. 20 10- 5 t o 6. 33 10- 4 cm / s and decreased w it h the increasing of soil dept h . ( 2 T he sat urat ed hydr aulic co nduct iv it ies of undist ur bed so il and dist ur bed soil were quit e diff erent and af f ected by soil t ex t ur e, org anic mat t er co nt ent , bulk densit y, por osit y and st ructural index . T he sat ur at ed hy draulic conduct ivit y of undist urbed soil can repres


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