物流园区AGV车体框架结构设计方案(DOCX 35页).docx

物流园区AGV车体框架结构设计方案(DOCX 35页).docx

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物流园区AGV车体框架结构设计方案(DOCX 35页)

摘要 随着我国改革开放的不断开展,我国经济建设和技术应用都得到了高速稳定的发展,自动牵引车已成为制造加工和物流行业必不可少的关键设备,自动牵引车可以分为潜伏式牵引车和叉车式牵引车两种,叉车式牵引车通常情况下是通过车体尾部的货叉来实现牵引货物的,所以其工作时需要占用大量的空间,而潜伏式牵引车恰恰克服了这一技术难题,直接潜入到货物底部来牵引货物,能够更加方便快捷的完成各项任务。 潜伏式牵引车相比叉车式牵引车底盘更低,体积更小,更加便于实现现场的使用和货物运输。本篇论文中提出了一种结构巧妙、机动性好、稳定性能高的潜伏式牵引车设计方案,本方案对自动牵引车技术进行深入分析研究,对小车的运动过程整体性能及车体框架结构进行设计,对运动性能进行改进,合理布置其主框架和副框架,潜伏式牵引车作为一种新型的自动牵引车,对此进一步的研究也是不能忽视的。 关键词:自动导引车,运动性能,运动系统 Abstract With the continuous development of Chinas reform and opening up, Chinas economic construction and technology applications have been high-speed and stable development, automatic tractor has become a manufacturing and logistics industry essential essential equipment, automatic tractor can be divided into latent tractors And forklift tractor two, forklift tractor is usually through the tail of the car body to achieve the traction of goods, so its work need to take up a lot of space, and latent tractors just to overcome this technology Difficult to sneak into the bottom of the goods to attract the goods, to more convenient and quick to complete the task. The latent tractor is lower and smaller than the forklift tractor chassis, making it easier to use on-site and cargo. This paper presents a design scheme of latent tractor with high structure, good maneuverability and high stability. The scheme analyzes the automatic tractor technology and analyzes the overall performance and body structure of the car Design and improvement of the performance of the vehicle, the rational arrangement of its main frame and sub-frame, latent tractor as a new type of automatic tractor, this further study can not be ignored. Keywords: Automatic Guided Vehicle, motion performance, braking system 1 绪论 1.1引言 随着我国改革开放的不断开展,我国经济建设和技术应用都得到了高速稳定的发展,自动牵引车应用的地方变得越来越多,从单一的生产制造业发展到各行各业,甚至延伸到排爆等危险的具体工作。现在国内外都开始了对自动牵引车的系统研发和设计,而自动牵引车选择何种取货方式是其设计时最重要的考虑点之一。 随着自动牵引车行业技术的发展,叉车式自动牵引车由于其结构和操作过于复杂,且应用时通常需要很大的场地,因此并没有得到广泛的使用。而目前市场上的自动牵引车主流仍是叉车式自动牵引车,我们常见的叉车式自动牵引车多像自动叉车的结构形式,该叉车式自动牵引车移动结构简单,适用于平坦的地面,行走过程稳定,但是同样存在着许多缺



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