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Vo1. 43 No. 11A 第 43 卷第11A 期 计算机科学 2016 年 11 月 Computer Science Nov 2016 基于联系数的位置不确定性数据 UCNK-Means 聚类算法 王骏黄德才 (浙江工业大学计算机科学与技术学院 杭州 310023) 摘 要 摘要位置不确定性数据的聚类是一个新的不确定性数据聚类问题。其聚类方法主要包括获取对象的概率密 度函数,通过积分计算对象间的期望距离来进行聚类分析和以区间数表示对象,通过区问数的系列运算来进行聚类分 析这两大类。前者存在概率密度函数获取困难、计算复杂、实用性不强的缺陷;后者在区问数转化为实数过程中,忽略 了区间数变化范围对聚类效果的影响,其聚类质量不佳。鉴于此,提出一种基于联系数的不确定对象聚类新算法UC­ NK-Means。该算法用联系数巧妙地表示不确定性对象,并专门定义了对象间的联系距离,运用联系数态势值比较联 系距离大小,克服了现有算法的不足。仿真实验表明,UCNK-Means 具有聚类精度高、计算复杂度低、实用性强的特 点。 关键词 不确定性数据,联系数,聚类,数据挖掘 中固法分类号 TP181 文献标识码 A UCNK-Means Clustering Method for Position Uncertain Data ßased on Connection Number WANG Jun HUANG De-cai (College of Computer Science and Technology ,Zhejiang University of Technology ,Hangzhou 310023 ,China) Abstract Clustering for position uncertain data is a new problem of uncertain data clustering. Mainly there are two so lutions to this new problem. The first is clustering acquiring the probability density function or probability distribution function of uncertain object and getting the expected distance with integral operation. The second is clustering by series of operation of interval data. However , the former has the disadvantages of getting probability density function hard , complex operation and poor practicability ,and the latter ignores the effect of the range of interval data to the result of clustering. Therefore ,a new uncertain data clustering method UCNK-Means was put forward. This method uses connec tion number as the model of uncertain object and defines connection distance between two objects and


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