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* ________ clothing and jewellery near the burn. _____ burns immediately with cool but not icy water. ______ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns. ____ the burned area gently. Take off Cool Place Dry Dos First aid treatment Part 5 * 5. ______ the burned area with a dry clean bandage. 6. If burns are on arms or legs, _____ the burned area ______ than the heart, if possible. If burns are on the face, the victim should ______. 7. _____ the victim ___ the doctor or hospital at once, if the injuries are second or third degree burns. Cover keep higher Get Dos to sit up * Donts Do not _______ the clothing that is stuck to the burns. 2. Do not cool the burns with _____ water. 3. Do not put cold water on _____ degree burns. 4. Do not ____ the burns, it will break the blisters. 5. Do not ____ butter, oil, ointment on burns. remove icy third put rub * Answer the questions Why should you put cold water on a burn? 2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt? The cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling. Because the nerves are damaged. If there are no nerves, there is no pain. * 3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed? 4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue? Because bacteria from the clothes and jewellery could infect the burns. Because all layers of the skin have been burnt showing the tissue underneath. * What would you do in the following situations? What could we do to prevent these accidents? * Call for a doctor or an ambulance. Never pull her out of the car or you may hurt her neck or back. Just leave her where she is. Find enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at once. Make sure that the accident scene is safe. * Keep calm and find your way out quickly, using the escape route exit. Try to sound the fire alarm. * Don’t open the door if the door is hot or if you se


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