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5.________(确切地)speaking,I disagree with you on this matter. 6.Not knowing a single person at the party,he felt i________by all the people present. 7.All the plan was u________by the sudden change of the weather. 8.He prefers to work o________,for he can have more time to get close to nature. 9.We were so g________to him for the help he had offered to us. 10.The e________company can be managed by a computer with the help of modern technology. 【答案】 1.suffered 2.recovery 3.settle 4.concerned 5.Exactly 6.ignored 7.upset 8.outdoors 9.grateful 10.entire 【即时应用】 完成句子 (1)Mr.Black,I should tell you this is the 5th time you ______________________(把我和我双胞胎哥哥弄混). (2)That was the last time that he ______________(向他父亲要钱). 【答案】 (1)have mistaken me for my twin brother (2)had asked his father for money Ⅱ.完成句子 1.______________ (遭受)such a heavy loss,the businessman lost the courage to go on. 2.You may find it hard ______________(与……相处)such a bad-tempered boss. 3.________________(厌倦了)staying indoors for days,we are longing to go out and relax ourselves. 4.________________(为了)make more money,he decided to move to Qingdao and work there. 5.__________________________(我们首先关心的)is the cars safety performance,when we purchase a car. 6.__________________(在欧洲旅行时),he found many interesting things and experienced different cultures. 【答案】 1.Having suffered 2.to get along with 3.Having got tired of 4.In order to 5.What we are concerned about first 6.While traveling in Europe 【即时应用】 选用上述词汇完成下列情景 Besides doing his research work,Professor Li (1)________ (从事) social work.For example,he (2)________ (关心) world peace and human progress.He also has made it clear that his research work should (3)________ (与……有关) the farmers income because (4)________(据他所知),to increase the farmers income is of greater importance than anything else. 【答案】 (1)concerns himself with/in (is concerned with/in)  (2)shows concern about/for (is concerned about) (3)be concerned with   (4)as far as he is concerned 1.add up


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