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第44卷摇 第4期 摇 摇 摇 表面技术 摇 摇 2015年04月 SURFACE TECHNOLOGY ·127 · 試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試試 复合缓蚀剂对碳钢腐蚀率的影响研究 阚伟海,陈莉荣,姜庆宏,王哲 (内蒙古科技大学 能源与环境学院,内蒙古包头014010) 摘摇 要: 目的摇 研究异抗坏血酸钠、六偏磷酸钠、D鄄葡萄糖酸钠和硫酸锌的复配物在软化水水质中对碳 钢腐蚀率的影响。 方法摇 通过静态挂片和旋转挂片实验,研究不同浓度、pH值、温度等条件下,复合缓蚀 剂对碳钢腐蚀率的影响,对腐蚀机理进行探讨。 结果摇 在软化水pH=10,缓蚀剂质量浓度为150 mg/ L, 温度为50 益的条件下,复合缓蚀剂对碳钢有较好的缓蚀效果,静态挂片实验中碳钢的腐蚀率为0.0303 mm/ a,缓蚀率为86.31%;旋转挂片实验中碳钢的腐蚀率为0.0350 mm/ a,缓蚀率为96.12%。结论摇 在软化 水水质中,碳钢的腐蚀率随着复合缓蚀剂投药量、溶液pH值的增大而降低,随着温度的升高而增大。 关键词:复合缓蚀剂;碳钢;软化水 中图分类号:TG174.42摇 摇 摇 文献标识码:A摇 摇 摇 文章编号:1001鄄3660(2015)04鄄0127鄄05 DOI:10.16490/ j.cnki.issn.1001鄄3660.2015.04.023 Study on Effects of Composite Corrosion Inhibitor on the Corrosion Rate of Carbon Steel KAN Wei鄄hai,CHEN Li鄄rong,JIANG Qing鄄hong,WANGZhe (College of Energy and Environment,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou014010,China) ABSTRACT:Objective To study the effects of the composite corrosion inhibitor composed by odium erythorbate,sodium hexam鄄 etaphosphate,D鄄sodium gluconate and zinc sulfate on the corrosion rate of carbon steel under the condition of softened water. Methods The effects of the composite corrosion inhibitor on the corrosion rate of carbon steel were studied under the conditions of different dosages,pHvalues and temperature using the static specimen method and rotation specimen method. Results Under the conditionsof softenedwaterpH=10,corrosioninhibitordoseof 150 mg/ Landtemperatureof50 益,thecompositecorrosioninhib鄄 itor showed good corrosion inhibition effect on carbon steel,and the corrosion rates and inhibition ratios were 0.0303 mm/ a, 86.31% and0.0350 mm/ a,96.12 % for carbon steel intheexperimentsusingthe static specimenmethodandtherotation speci鄄



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