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第 19 卷第 4 期 环  境  科  学  学  报 Vol . 19 ,No . 4 1999 年 7 月 AC TA SCIEN T IA E CIRCU M STAN T IA E J uly ,1999 径向浓淡旋流煤粉燃烧器直流二次风对流场及 NOx 排放的影响 孙  锐  李争起  孙绍增  陈力哲  吴少华  秦裕琨 ( 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 ,哈尔滨  15000 1) 摘要  针对径向浓淡旋流煤粉燃烧器直流二次风对出口冷态流动特性的影响进行了试验研究 ,并在一台220 t/ h 锅炉和一 台670 t/ h 锅炉上进行了工业性试验. 冷模试验表明,直流二次风对旋流燃烧器出口气流的流动和混合特性有重要影响 ,它 可改变气流的旋流强度 、中心回流区的大小 ,调节一、二次风之间混合的强弱. 热态工业性试验研究了直流二次风对燃烧器 出口区域的气氛场的影响 ,得出了直流二次风开度对燃烧器区NOx 、锅炉排烟中NO x 及燃烧效率的影响规律. 关键词  旋流煤粉燃烧器 ;浓淡燃烧 ;空气动力特性 ;NOx 控制. Eff ects of the nonswirl secondary a ir jet on the flow properties and NOx emission of radial bias combustion swirl burner ( SUN Rui , L I Zhengqi , SUN Shaozeng , CHEN Lizhe , WU Shaohua , Q IN Yukun   School of Energy Sci ence and Engineering ,Harbin Institute of Technology ,Harbin 15000 1) Abstract  The isot hermal experiment s and pilot test s have been conducted to study t he effect s of t he non swirl secondary air on t he character s of t he new type swirl burnerradial bias combustion ( RBC) swirl pul verized coal burner . The isot hermal experiment s show t hat t he nonswirl j et had great influence on t he flow pattern and mixing character s of t he flow issuing from t he swirl burner . Pilot test s also showed t hat t he formation of a large amount of NOx was related to t he oxygen condition in t he st art st age of combus tion . The increasing nonswirl second air created a reducing condition downst ream t he burner inlet ,so t he emission of NOx was abated . In addition ,as t he mixing among j et s was intense in t he downst ream ,higher combustion efficiency was maint ained . Keywords  swirl pulverized coal burner ,offstoichiomet ric combustion ,aerodynamic properties ,NO x con t


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