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27 2 V ol. 27, N o. 2 200 6 6 Journal o f H ebe iU n ive rsity o f Sc ience and T echno logy June 2006 1008-1542 ( 2006) 02-0150-05 1 2 3 郝宏伟 , 刘顺芳 , 范淑果 ( 1. 河北工业职业技术学院机电系, 河北石家庄 050019; 2. 河北科技大学机械电子工程学院, 河北 石家庄 050054; 3. 河北师范大学职业技术学院, 河北石家庄 050031) 针对在用计算机实现圆 测量的过程中, 首先要解决的就是评定方法的算法, 介绍了按最 小区域法评定圆 误差的一种快速简便易于微机实现的数据处理方法, 并给出了用 C 语言实现 其算法后的结果 最小区域; 圆 误差; 评定方法; 数据处理 TG 801 A M ethod for evaluation of errors of m inmi al territory roundness on com puter 1 2 3 HAO H ong-w e i, L IU Shun-fang , FAN Shu-guo ( 1. D ep artm ent o f M ach inery and E lectron ics, H ebe i In stitute of V ocation and T echno logy, Shijiazhu ang H ebe i 050019, Ch ina; 2. Co-l leg e o fM echan ica l and E lectron ic Eng ineer ing, H ebe iU n iversity of Sc ience and T echno logy, Sh ij iazhuang H ebe i050054, China; 3. V o- ca tion and T echno logy In stitu te, H ebei N orm a l U n iversity, Shijiazhu ang H ebei 050031, China) Abs tract: In order to u se compu ter in the roundnessm easuring, the algor ithm of verify ing m ethod m ust be w r itten. In this p ap er, the data processing m e thod fo r eva lu ating the c ircular ity error w ith m in mi al terr itory roundness is introdu ced. The m ethod is qu ick and con- venien t to rea lize on com puters and the a lgo rithm is realized w ith C language. K ey w ord s: m in mi a l territo ry roundness; c ircularity error; v erify ing m e thod; data processing , , [ 1] ,


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