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26 4 Vol. 26, No .4 2005 12 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T ec nology Dec. 2005 : 1008-1542( 2005) 04-0295- 04 1 1 1 2 郝宏伟 , 于荣贤 , 解景浦 , 范淑果 ( 1. 河北工业职业技术学院机电系, 河北石家庄 050019; 2. 河北师范大学职业技术学院, 河北石家 庄 050031) : 在介绍了利用最小外接圆判别 则快速精确求解圆度误差的基本思想和用最小外接圆法 评定圆度误差的程序设计技术的基础上, 根据最小外接圆法快速精确求解圆度误差的基本思想, 利 用本文所述的程序设计技术, 能够设计出圆度误差评定软件, 以较好地实现三坐标测量数据的圆度 误差评定 : 最小外接圆法; 圆度误差值; 程序设计技术 : T G801 : A M inimum circumscribeb circle met od for evaluation of t e errors of t e circle roundness by using programmer met od 1 1 1 2 HAO Hong-w ei , YU Rong-xian , XIE Jing-pu , FAN S u-guo ( 1. Department of Mac inery and Electronics, H ebei Institute of Vocat ion and Tec nology , S ijiaz uang H ebei 050019, C ina; 2. Vocat ion and Tec nology Inst itute, H ebei Normal Universit y, S ijiaz uang H ebei 050031, C ina) Abstract: T is article introduces a fast and accurate arit met ic met od by t e judgement standard of using t e minimum cir- cumscribeb circle for evaluat ing t e errors of roundness, and designs a program for evaluation of t e errors of t e circle round- ness. Using t e met od and t e program. we ave developed a softw are t o evaluat e t e circle roundness, and realize t e t ree coordinate measurement of t e roundness. Key words: minimum circumscribeb circle; roundness error; program design [ 1] 4 , , , , , , [ 2] , , 1 , , ( 1 ) , 2 f MC f M C [ t( t ) , : 2005-03-08; : 2005- 05-30; : : ( 2003110) : ( 1962- ) , ,, , 296


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