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210 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol. 11 No. 3 2003
, , *
( 湖南省脑科医院, 湖南长沙410007)
:R395. 1 :A : 1005- 3611(2003) 03- 0210- 02
A Study on the Degree of Involvement in Anxiety Disorder Patients and Its Relating Factors
PEI Yu, LIU Chun- wang, HOU Liang
Hunan Provice Brain Hospital, Changsha, 410007, China
Abstract Objective: To assess the difference between the degree of involvement of anxiety disorder patients and normal con-
trols , andto evaluate the relationship betweenthe degree of involvement andthe personality,type A behavior, and clinical sympoms
of the patients.Methods:76 patientswho met one of the diagnostic criteria of general anxiety disorder ,panic disorder, obsessive-
compulsive disorder , or phobic disorder in CCMD were chosed- 3 were enrolled in this study and were required to complet in-
volvement- detachment scale,type A behavior scale , EPQ , and SCL- 90.78 normal controls,who matchedwith the patient group
in age , sex , and education,were derived from a community sample and completed involvement- detachhment scale. Results:The
degree andthe unbalance of involvement were higher inthe patient groupthan those in the control group.The degree of detachment
of patientswas positively related to the type A behavior and the scores of SCL- 90( r = - 0. 312, - 0. 306, P 0. 05) .And the
unbalance of involvment was positively related to the scores of SCL- 90 and N score of EPQ and negatively related to the P score
of EPQ( r = 0. 373, 0.424, - 0. 339, P 0.05) . Conclusion: Cognitive characteristics including over involvement and unbalance
of involvement that were found in anxity disorder patients were relatedto the clinical symptoms andwarranted clinical psychological
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