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27 6 机器人 ROBOT V l. 27, N . 6 2005 11 N v., 2 00 5 : 100220446( 2005) 0620535204 * CFX USAERO 1, 2 1 1 1 康 涛 , 胡 克 , 胡志强, 林 扬 ( 1. , 110016; 2. , 100049) : CFX USAERO , , , . , . : ; ; ; : TP24 : B Research onManeuverability Simulation Calculation of UnderwaterVehicle by CFX andUSAERO 1, 2 1 1 1 KANG Ta , HU Ke , HU Zh i2qiang , LIN Yang ( 1. Shenyang Institute of Automation, ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China; 2. Graduate School of the ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100049, China) Abstract: The underwater vehicle m an ipulati n smi u lati n calculati n is stud ied w ith the CFD( c m putati nal flu id dy2 nam ics) s mi u lati n s fwt ares f CFX and USAERO, and the smi ulati n calculati n data is c m pared w ith the expermi ental data n a m del. Feasib ility f the smi ulati n calcu lati n is validated and the applied range f smi ulati n calculati n is p inted ut. S me m an ipulati n expermi ents that canpt be d ne practically can be fin ished thr ugh smi ulati n calcu lati n, and it has practical sign ificance f r reducing the c st f m del expermi ents and study ing the underwater vehicleps m an ipu la2 ti n, especially f rm an ipu lati n design in the schem e des ign phase. eywords: underw ater veh icle; s mi u lati n; m aneuverability; hydr dynam ic c efficient 1



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