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现代文体活动市场发展探究 摘要:文体活动在人类社会发展进程中发挥着重要 的作用。一直以来,人们单调重复的日常生活因为各种各样 的文体活动而变得丰富多彩,甚至一个最微不足道的借口就 可以创造一场精彩的庆祝盛宴。虽然许多文体活动起源于宗 教或者历史传统,但今天它们都成为一个地方吸引游客的理 由之一。虽然全球化的通信技术让今天的人们交流起来更加 便捷和便宜,但这些现代化的交流工具并不能完全满足人们 作为群居生物的某些特定要求。与其他不同的,文体活动市 场的发展因满足了人们群居活动的独特愿望,逐步成为了现 代社会发展最快的交流工具和媒介。本文将文体活动置于经 济全球化背景下,研究分析了其市场特征、营销特点、发展 趋势以及在商业活动中的地位和作用。 关键词:文化活动市场文化经济交流商机创意产业 Introduction The word ^Marketing is an instmctive business domain that serves to inform and educate target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its products. Generally speaking, marketing is an ongoing process of planning and executing the marketing mix, Product, Price, Place, Promotionoften referred to as the 4 Ps, for products, services or ideas to crea te exchange bet ween individuals and organ iza. tions. The concept of managing the marketing mix suggests that each variable or ingredient of the mix must contribute to some overall product image determined in advance by management. Individual variables must be supportive of each other and contribute towards the desired overall image? Essentially, marketing is the process of creating or directing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire , but are willing to buy. Therefore good marketing must be able to create a Aproposition, or set of benefits for the end customer that delivers value through products or services. The term event marketing^ is used to describe a variety of activities, including the marketing of events and marketing with event,? Events have played an important role in human society for a long term? The tedium of daily life, with its constant up and downs, was broken up by events of all kinds- in most societies the slightest excuse could be found for a good celebration. For example, in Europe, particularly before the industrial revolution routine daily activities were regularly interspersed with festivals? Many of these events play a contemporary role by attracting tourists to a p


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