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PAGE PAGE 19 中山市社区志愿者培训需求分析及建议 摘要 随着社会的发展,我国政府改革的推进和职能的转变,志愿者服务对国家经济发展和社会进步发挥越来越重要的作用,在社区公共服务中社区志愿者正逐步演化为其中的一种重要组织形式。社区志愿者服务不仅满足了人民基本需要、化解社会矛盾、倡导良好的社会风尚,而且也为和谐社会的建设打下坚实基础。社区志愿者是社区志愿者服务的核心力量,社区志愿者的健康发展影响着社区生活和谐发展和社会和谐的步伐加快。志愿者培训有助于提高志愿者的素质,培养其专业技能,建立专业、高效的志愿者队伍;是提高优化志愿者活动的主要方法和必要手段。然而,就中山市目前而言,社区志愿服务还不完善,志愿者工作中存在许多问题需要探索解决。 本文首先介绍了社区志愿者培训的研究背景和意义,对中山市社区志愿服务现状进行的简述。然后以中山市社区志愿者为主要研究对象,了解其在社区志愿服务工作及培训方面的切身感受,并结合社区志愿者管理者的访谈,得出社区志愿者的培训及培训需求现状;最后从内外部两方面进行分析,对其个人专业素质、综合素质等方面和组织坏境、任务、工作内容等进行全面了解。根据志愿者对培训中存在的问题及建议和社区志愿者的自身培训需求为基础,调查分析中山市社区志愿者培训及需求之间的差异性,从而为中山市社区志愿者培训工作的完善提出对策和建议。 关键词:社区志愿者; 培训现状; 培训需求; Zhongshan community volunteer training needs analysis and recommendations Abstract With the development of society, change our government to promote the reform and functions of volunteer service to the countrys economic development and social progress play an increasingly important role in the community public service community volunteers are gradually evolved into one of a kind important form of organization. Community volunteer service is not only to meet the basic needs of the people, to resolve social conflicts, promote good social climate, but also lay a solid foundation for building a harmonious society. Community volunteers are the core strength of community volunteer service, the development of community health volunteers affect the harmonious development of community life and to accelerate the pace of social harmony. Volunteers help to improve the quality of training of volunteers, to develop their professional skills, a professional and efficient team of volunteers; the main method is to improve the optimization of volunteer activities and the necessary means. However, for now, Zhongshan This paper describes the background and significance of the training of community volunteers, outlining the status of volunteer community service performed Zhongshan. Then Zhongshan City community volunteers as the main object, understand their personal experience in community


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