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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Medical Treatment principle:inhibiting proliferation of trophoblastic tissue indication:no contraindication to chemotherapy ;no rupture or abortion;mass≤4cm;serum β-HCG < 2000U/L;no obvious internal bleeding;no demonstration of cardiac activity or embryonic bud Medical Treatment Protocol:MTX Monitoring therapeutic effectiveness:if decline in serum hCG level on day 7≤25%; <15% or symptoms worsening or internal bleeding occurring; 2 weeks until negative Expectant treatment Pain mild,bleeding light; No evidence of tubal rupture; No intraabdominal bleeding; Serum β-HCG ﹤ 1000U/L,and continue declining; Pregnancy mass﹤3cm or undetected; Follow-up reliable Nontubal Ectopic Pregnancy Cervical Pregnancy Concept:implantation of the developing conceptus in the cervical canal Incidence:1:18000 Clinical feature:painless vaginal bleeding Diagnostic criteria:the uterine size is comparable to that of an unpregnant one; the presence of pregnancy tissue related exclusively to the cervical canal;curretage of the endometrial cavity is nonproductive of pregnancy tissue Treatment principle:transfusion preparation; curretage or suction curretage ; MTX and/or uterine curretage Ovarian Pregnancy A condition in which an ectopic pregnancy implants within the ovarian cortex Diagnostic criteria:the fallopian tube on the affected side must be intact;the fetal sac must occupy the position of the ovary;ovarian tissue must be located in the sac wall;the ovary and fetal sac must be connected to the uterus by the ovarian ligament Ovarian Pregnancy Clinical presentations:amenorrhea, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding,shock, etc. Differentiated from:ruptured corpus luteum;tubal pregnancy Treatment principle:surgical treatment Abdominal Pregnancy The presence of a pregnancy related to a peritoneal surface other than fallopian tube, ovary or broad ligament, 1:15000 Classification:primary, secondary Clinical presentations:amenorrhea, abdominal pain and v


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