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Suggested readings参阅书目: Demonstrating results: using outcome measurement in your library? by Rhea Joyce Rubin, Public Library Association 2006 The New Planning for Results by Sandra Nelson,Public Library Association 2001 * Thank You! 谢谢! Barbara J. Ford 傅尔德 Director and Distinguished Professor, Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, University of Illinois伊利诺伊大学摩藤森国际图书馆计划中心主任,荣誉教授 bjford@ Dr. Shuyong Jiang 蒋树勇博士 Project Director and Associate Professor, Think Globally, Act Globally US-China Librarian Collaboration, University of Illinois Asian Library 伊利诺伊大学图书馆亚洲馆中美图书馆交流合作项目负责人,副教授 shyjiang@ * ●图书馆绩效评价的方法、效果、存在问题。 * 二、评价的内容-What need to be assessed? ? 图书馆的资源,比如藏书量(size) ? 图书馆的传统服务:编目、咨询(size, cataloging, circulation) ? 图书馆使用情况-借阅量:网络资源的使用。Operating Revenue and Expenditures (headcount, use) ? 用户对图书馆的满意程度User satisfaction ? 图书馆服务的效果Outcome of the library service ? 图书馆服务的经济效益value of library services * * Sections include: role and purpose, legal and financial framework, meetings the needs of users, collection development, human resources, management and marketing Management tools discussed include: community needs analysis, monitoring and evaluation, performance measurement * Previously standards – since 1966 planning process that encouraged each library to develop its own goals to reflect community needs Service response is what a library does for, or offers to, the public in an effort to meet a set of well-defined community needs Ways libraries serve the public: basic literacy, business and career information, commons, community referral, consumer information, cultural awareness, current topics and titles, formal learning support, general information, government information, information literacy, lifelong learning, local history and genealogy. 服务响应是一个图书馆没有的,或提供的,市民的努力,以满足了一套明确的社会需要图书馆如何为市民服务:基本识字,企业和职业信息,商品,社会推介,消费者信息,文化意识,当前主题和标题,正规学习的支持,一般信息,政务信息,信息素养,终身学习,当地的历史和家谱 Provides example of needs addressed by service response, what libra


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