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Introduction 00 1
The motivation of this thesis stems from the interest in two re鄄
search issues: corrective feedback and the relationship between teach鄄
ers ’ beliefs and their instructional practices.
’  ̄
It s believed that teacher student interaction provides learners
with the best opportunities to practice target language skills, test the
hypotheses about the target language, and get the useful feedback.
Therefore, studies of L2 classroom interaction have attracted much at鄄
tention in SLA studies since 1980s. Corrective feedback in L2 class鄄
rooms lies at the core of research on teacher  ̄student and student  ̄stu鄄
dent interaction (Lyster Ranta, 1997; Lyster, 1998; Mackey Philp,
1998; Long, 1996).
The general agreement is that corrective feedback is important to
learners ’ achievements. The issue