
5-1 统计过程控制介绍 (SPC ).pdf

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Introduction to Statistical Process Introduction to Statistical Process Control (SPC )统计过程控制介绍 Control (SPC )统计过程控制介绍 By StriveZhou Leaning Objectives 学习目的 Upon completion of this module, the participants will be able to: 完成对本 模块的学习后,学员将能够: Understand the history and development of SPC 了解SPC的历史与发展 The purpose of using SPC 了解SPC的目的 Understand natural variation and unnatural variation 了解自然变异和非自然变异 Understand common cause and special cause 了解普通要因和特殊要因 By StriveZhou The History of SPC SPC历史 In 1924, Dr. Shewhart published “ Control chart method” which laid the foundation for statistical quality control. 1924年,美国的休哈特博士提出将3 sigma原理运用于生产过程当中,并发表 了著名的 “控制图法” ,对过程变量进行 控制,为统计质量管理奠定了基础。工 业中开始用统计方法代替事后检验的质 Walter A. Shewhart 量控制方法。 By StriveZhou The History of SPC SPC历史 After the World War II, Deming introduced the control chart method to Japan. This plagued a key vole in quality improvement in Japan. In the 80’s, SPC is widely used by may famous. ISO9000 and QS9000 set the requirements for the affliction of SPC. 二战后,日本从美国请来了戴明,推广控制图的应用。 SPC在日本工业界的大量推广应用,对日本产品质量 的崛起起到了至关重要的作用。 八十年代以后,世界许多大公司纷纷在自己内部积极 Walter A. Shewhart 推广应用SPC,而且对供应商也提出了相应的要求。在 ISO9000和QS9000 中也提出了在生产控制中应用SPC 方法的要求。 By StriveZhou The Development of SPC SPC发展史 The automobile industry evolved together with the development of quality management. 汽车行业发展史伴随质量管理发展史 1920S Quality from Quality from 1980S Inspection-QC Design-TQC质 质量是检验出 量是设计出来 Quality from 来的 的 process output prediction-


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