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全球第一超模邦辰演讲稿I超模吉赛尔 邦辰世界杯讲稿 模特界最具影响力的超级模特吉赛尔?邦辰 (GiseleBundchen)在活动中担当联合国环境计划署(UNEP) 亲善大使。以下是留学网为您整理的邦辰在世界杯上的讲 话。供您参考! 【全球第一超模吉赛尔?邦辰在世界杯上的讲稿】 Thankyou. Goodevening? YourExcelienees, LadiesandGentlemen, Weareback? Backtoho noursomere allycoolpe ople? Peo p lewhoar eb eingvision ary. Peop lewhoarech anginglive s. People whoaresupe rheroesint ermsofthee nvironment ? Iamhere becausello vetheenvir onment? I havelovedt heenvironm entsincelw asachild, p layinginth esmallcity wherelwasb ornandrais edinBrazil ,wheremypa rentstaugh tmeto carea. bouttheEar th,about it speopleand aboutitsfo rests,rive rsandal1th eothernatu ralphenome nathatMAKE ourworldWO RK. Theyt aughtmenot to was te. ?A nd I am teach ing thattom ychildrent oo. After being invol vedforal on gtimewitht heenvir onm entalcause sl?velearn edwehave2i mportantto olstowards achievingb alance, EDU CATIONandC OMMUNICATI ON. Thesear ethekeysto makingprod uctiveandr esponsible choicestha twillbegin tobringeco -balanceto theworld? I?vealsol earnedthat itstartswi thyouandme ? Butlkno witalsores tsonAchimS teiner, UNE Pandal 1 the peoplethat workforthi sUNagency? Ifweareg oingtomake adifferenc e, weneedal lhandsonde ck. Thati swhylamsoh a.pp yt osa yt hatlhaveag reed to beaU NEPGoodwil lAmbassado rforsevera lmoreyears ? Weneedi ndividuals , weneedcom munities,w eneedthema yorsofciti es, weneedb usinesslea dersandwen eedgovernm ents, minis tersofthee nvironment ,PrimeMini stersandPr esidentsto standupand becounted. Thebeaut yofUNEPand theUNistha ttheylayit ontheline? wearewasti ngtheveryr esourcesth atmakelife onthisplan etpossible .Itisimpor tanttoprov ideinforma tionalreso urcestopeo plesothatt heycanmake informedde cisionstha twillprese rvetheworl dwelivein. Thereisn othingthat symbolizes thisquitea sabsurdlya soneissuet hat, inmany ways, unite smanyofthe winnersher etonight. Andthatis foodwastea ndfoodloss ?whatwenow callfoodwa st age ? Li keyou, lama mazedandas tonishedth atinaworld whereatlea stoneoutof sevenpeopl egot


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