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    海 洋 石 油   ·106 ·      OFFSHORE OIL   20 10 12 :1008-2336 (2010)04-0106-05 1 1 1 2 宋林松 , 曹式敬,李军伟 , 段梦兰 (1., 06520 1;2.(), 102249)  :针对某海外项目中可能遇到的钻井平台压载 入泥深度过大和拔桩困难的问题, 开展平台优选计算。首先搜集 了预定作业井位周围井位的地质勘查资料, 利用二次插值法进行作业井位地质勘察数据计算, 据此计算了桩脚入泥深 度, 并根据作业平台结构参数计算了平台的拔桩阻力。为解决平台极限拔桩能力小于拔桩阻力的问题, 设计了可控冲桩 阀和冲桩系统以消除或减小桩靴底部的吸附力、桩靴侧部土体剪切力和桩靴上部土重。 最 将平台拔桩能力与最终拔 桩阻力进行对比, 给出平台推荐结果。 :;;;; :P752   :A   doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.20 10.04.106 Jack-up selection for overseas operationbased on leg retracting ability 1 1 1 2 Song Linsong , Cao Shijing , Li Junw i , Duan M nglan (1.China OffshoreServices Limited, Yanj iao 065201;2.China University of Petroleum, Beij ing 102249) Abstract:To solv th probabl probl ms of spud-can d p p n tration and stuck in an ov rs as proj ct, jack-up choosing calculation is carri d on.Firstly, lots of g ot chnical information around th w ll sit s ar coll ct d and proc ss d to g t approximation of g ot chnical data for th sugg st d sit s, bas d on w hich th d pth of spud-can p n tration and l g r tracting r sistanc ar calculat d.To ov rcom th insuffici ncy of r tracting ability of th jack-ups, j tting valv s and j tting control sy st m ar inv nt d to liminat or min- ish conglutination r sistanc b tw n spud-can and und rlying clay, sh ar forc around th xcavation and w ight of th soil ov rlying th spud-can.Finally, 3 jack-ups ar sugg st d to d ploy on any w ll sit s and on jack-up is suppos d to d ploy only on a sp cific sit . Key words:jack-up;l g r tracting r sistanc ;l g r tracting r sistanc ability ;j tting sy st m;g ot chnical data    200 d , () , 1 200 d, ,。



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