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问句 听说考试复习 一、一般疑问句 二、特殊疑问句 三、There be句型 四、选择疑问句 一、一般疑问句 Be + 主语 + 其它部分(am/is/are/was/were) 助动词 + 主语 + 其它成分 (do/does/did) 情态动词 + 主语 +其它成分(can/could/will/would/should/must) 你擅长自学吗? Are you good at independent learning? 你期待你的生日派对吗? Are you looking forward to your birthday party? 你打算参加即将到来的运动会吗? Are you going to take part in the coming sports meeting? ① Be + 主语 + 其它成分 她(他)教英语吗? Does she/he teach English? 你经常和父母出去散步吗? Do you often go outside for a walk together with your parents? 你的爸爸喜欢你去年买的礼物吗? Did your father like the present you bought last year? ② 助动词 + 主语 + 其它成分 现在能否订到飞机票? Can we still book plane tickets now? 你会使用电脑吗? Can you use a computer? 你将会和他结婚吗? Will you marry her in the future? 我应该做家务吗? Should I do housework? ③ 情态动词 + 主语 + 其它成分 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 How/How long/how often/how far/how many/how much/how old What time…?/ What is the date? / What day? ① 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 What 什么 When 什么时候 Where 哪里 Why 为什么 Who 谁 How 怎样 你的生日是什么时候? When is your birthday? 你在哪里举行生日派对? Where do you hold your birthday party? 为什么你要庆祝你的生日? Why do you want to celebrate your birthday? 谁会参加你的生日派对? Who will take part in your birthday party? 你怎样庆祝你的生日? How do you celebrate your birthday? 在生日派对上你会做什么? What do you do in your birthday party? 你们在哪里上体育课? Where do you have P.E. lessons/classes? 你可以在图书馆里做什么? What can you do in the library? 你上午几点开始工作? When do you begin to work in the morning? 为什么人们喜欢居住在东京呢? Why do people like to live in Tokyo? 你准备在哪里买礼物? Where will you buy your present? 你周末经常做什么? What do you often do at the weekends? 你喜欢什么种类的运动? What kind of sports do you like? 你最喜欢的科目是哪一科? Which subject do you like best? What is your favorite subject? 生日那天你要穿什么衣服? What clothes will you wear on your birthday? 人们还可以做什么来保护环境? What else can people do to save/protect the environment? 她还有什么别的爱好? What other hobbies does she have? David 加入了哪一组? Which group did David take part in? 他的衬衣是什么尺寸的? What size is his shirt?(问尺寸) 他的帽子是什么颜色的? What color is his hat? (问颜色) ② How/How long/how often/how far/how ma


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