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识别存在造影剂肾病高危因素的患者,应仔细评估患者容量状态,造影前给予0.9%氯化钠或者等渗的碳酸氢钠溶液水化治疗。(1A) 3.4继发于横纹肌溶解的A 识别因横纹肌溶解而继发AKI的患者,给予0.9%氯化钠和碳酸氢钠扩容。(1B) * * * 利尿剂:能减少Henle袢升支细胞能量的需求,改善缺血损伤。 促进少尿型AKI向非少尿型转化,纠正水电解质紊乱,降低RRT的需求 由于延迟进入RRT可能导致肾功能恢复缓慢及死亡率增加 * * 的临床研究必须立足于 临床, 注重基层医院与大医院肾脏病中心相结合, 临床与基础研究相结合, 肾脏专业与其它临床专 业相配合, 以促进临床研究, 面向解决临床 实际问题, 高质量的发展。 * SLED 是目前ICU常用的一种模式,具有较多方面的优势。目前也被称作Hybrid RRT,似乎结合了CRRT和IHD双方面的优势。 持续缓慢低效血液透析(SLED) * * * 根据患者病情和RRT模式制定抗凝治疗方案 * * * * 加强医学生对AKI防治的教育 * * 甘露醇 mannitol is not scientifically justified in the prevention of AKI. Vasodilator therapy: dopamine, fenoldopam, and natriuretic peptides We recommend not using low-dose dopamine toprevent or treat AKI. (1A) We suggest not using fenoldopam(非诺多巴)to prevent or treat AKI. ( 2C) We suggest not using atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) to prevent (2C) or treat ( 2B) AKI Effect of low-dose dopamine on mortality. Reprinted from Friedrich JO, Adhikari N, Herridge MSet al . Meta-analysis: low-dosedopamine increases urine output but does not prevent renal dysfunction or death.Ann Intern Med 2005; 142: 510–524 with permissionfrom American College of Physicians212; 多巴胺---不建议 Friedrich JO, Adhikari N, Herridge MS. Meta-analysis: low-dose dopamine increases urine output but does not prevent renal dysfunction or death. Ann Intern Med 2005; 142: 510-524 降低肾灌注(Lauschke , Kidney Int 2006) 导致心律失常(Schenarts , Current Surgery 2006) 加重心肌、肠道缺血缺氧(Schenarts , Current Surgery 2006) 非诺多巴---不建议 选择性多巴胺A1受体激动剂,在降低全身血管阻力的同时增加肾血流量 RESEARCH RECOMMENDATION:We recommend further trials of ANP at doses below 0.1m g/kg/min, for the prevention or treatment of AKI.There is a possibility that ANP might be effective if it isgiven at a lower dose (0.01–0.05 mg/kg/min) in patients prophylactically or with early AKI, and during a longer period than in previous large studie; Glycemic control and nutritional support In critically ill patients, we suggest insulin therapy targeting plasma glucose 110–149 mg/dl(6.1–8.3 mmol/l). ( 2C) We sugge


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