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Years and years later, I still start in the deepest part of night with his agonized face
before me. And always, in these helpless dreams, I am helpless to ease his suffering.
I will tell the tale then, in hope the last ghosts may be put to rest, if such a thing can ever
happen in this place where there are more ghosts than living souls. But you will have to listen
closely - this is a tale that the teller herself does not fully understand.
I will tell you of Lord Sulis, my famous stepfather.
I will tell you what the witch foretold to me.
I will tell you of the love that I had and I lost.
I will tell you of the night I saw the burning man.
Tellarin gifted me with small things, but they were not small to me. My lover brought me
sweetmeats, and laughed to see me eat them so greedily.
Ah, little Breda, he told me. It is strange and wonderful that a mere soldier should have to
smuggle honeyed figs to a kings daughter. And then he kissed me, put his rough face against me
and kissed me and that was a sweeter thing than any fig that God ever made.
But Sulis was not truly a king, nor was I his true daughter.
Tellarin was not wrong about everything. The gladness I felt when I saw my soldier or heard him
whistling below the window was strange and wonderful indeed.
My true father, the man from whose loins I sprang, died in the cold waters of the Kingslake when I
was very small. His companions said that a great pikefish became caught in the nets and dragged my
father Ricwald to a drowning death, but others whispered that it was his companions themselves who
murdered him, then weighted his body with stones. Everyone knew that my father would have been
gifted with the standard and spear of Great Thane when all the thanes of the Lake People next met.
His father and uncle had both been Great Thane before him, so some whispered that God had struck
down my poor father because one family should not hold power so long. Others believed that my
fathers comp
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