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What lies ahead for Robert Reed? The following story should discourage anyone
from making such predictions, but well wager that Mr. Reeds next book will be
a collection of short stories entitled The Dragons of Springplace. Perhaps it
will even be published this April or May. But who can really say for sure?
WE WENT TO SCHOOL together. Kindergarten right up through high school. But Marv
and me were never what youd call good buddies. In grade school and junior high,
I bet we didnt say ten words to each other. In high school, Marv was in one of
my gym classes, and because of our last names -- Donner and Dubrook -- we were
stuck in the same homeroom. And yeah, sure, our senior year we shared a locker.
And thats it. Thats all. Even considering how things are going now, thats all
there is to tell. To me, Marvin Donner was this scruffy little blond twit who
always had to wear his hair longer than anyone else and who said, Cool, and,
Neat, while grinning way too much. The twit loved to smoke that ditch weed.
From junior high on, he was our official class doper. The best thing I remember
about him is that when we were locker mates, he kept telling me, Dont look
behind my books, Steve. Okay? And if youve got to look, dont take any more
than you really need.
Okay, Marv, I would tell him.
Cool. Neat. Thanks.
Despite what you hear, a lot of us kids managed to stay sober and clear-headed
in the 70s. The occasional beer was it for me. I was this upstanding boy trying
to hang out with the college-prep crowd. While Marv Donner was stuck in some
blue-collar, pot-haze track. Shop classes and bonehead English, Im guessing.
He was already playing the guitar. But back then, every guy tried playing it. We
thought gifts liked a man good with his fingers. Marv used to sit outside at
lunch, strumming hard and singing little songs that he must have written
himself. Must have, because I didnt recognize any of them. And because they
werent very
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