初中英语人教版七年级下册Writing 教学设计.docx

初中英语人教版七年级下册Writing 教学设计.docx

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初中英语人教版七年级下册Writing 教学设计

Unit11. How was your school trip?(Writing)教学设计 第一次备课 第二次备课 教学内容 Unit11 Writing 主备人 刘晓庆 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标 基本词组:milk a cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, quite a lot (of…), in the countryside, fire station, all in all, be interested in 基本句型:1. I visited my uncle last Saturday. 2. I went to Beijing by train last weekend. I took the train to Beijing last weenkend. 3. It was sunny last Sunday. 4. We had great fun in the countryside We enjoyed ourselves in the countryside 2. 技能目标: 以日记的形式,能运用一般过去时描写过去的事情 3. 情感目标: 学会客观地表达对事物的看法,培养乐观向上的性格 二、 教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:一般过去时的判断及选用 2. 教学难点:正确运用一般过去时 三、教学步骤: Step 1: Review (Speaking) Let students look through the screen and translate those phrases into English. Check the answers one by one. Let students read these phrases together. Step 2 :Sentences practice 1. Let students translate those sentences into English. 2. Find several volunteers to do it. 3. Check the answers together and read together. Step 3 : Passage Show Show students a diary as example and explain it. Sum up the rules of the diary with students. Read the rules together. Show the other examples and let students fill in the blanks. After two minutes, check the answers. Students find the rules in the second diary and write them down. Step 4.Let students have a try by themselves .(15minutes ) Step 5. 15minutes let students check their diaries in group and find the best one to show. Step 6. Find several students who recommended by group members to read their diaries in front of class. Step 7. Teacher sum up the learning points and what they should be paid attention to. Step8. Homework. Write another diary about your trip. 教学反思:本节课,课堂活动设计不够多样化,从心理学的角度来看:每一个人在其内心深处都强烈渴望着被欣赏、被发现,作为小学生尤是如此。他们生性聪慧、活泼、同时也拥有着更加强烈的表现欲!身为老师,只有完全了解学生,在教学中努力为学生?提供各种能够展示自我的舞台,让他们尽情地、淋漓尽致地表现自己的才华、发挥自己的潜能,才能进一步激起他们渴望学习的信心和热情!


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